Saturday, June 22, 2013

My Daily Meditation

6 But we have all been as an unclean thing, and all our righteousness is as filthy cloths, and we all do fade like a leaf, and our iniquities like the wind have taken us away.
The Book of Isaiah Chapter 64:6

My friends, the psalmist David wrote that there is no one that does good, not one, that all have gone astray onto the paths of unrighteousness. As such, we are all under the curse of sin whose end result is death. But the good news is, that we don’t have to stay that way. God provided for us a way to be with Him. Seek Him out and accept His plan for redemption, by confessing your sins, and accepting Christ as your savior.  

Read One Psalm a Day
Psalm One Hundred Thirty Seven

1 By the rivers of Babel we sat, and there we wept, when we remembered Zion.
2 We hanged our harps upon the willows in the midst thereof.
3 Then they that led us captive, required of us songs and mirth, when we had hanged up our harps, saying, Sing us one of the songs of Zion.
4 How shall we sing, said we, a song of the Lord in a strange land?
5 If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand forget to play.
6 If I do not remember thee, let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth: yea, if I prefer not Jerusalem to my chief joy.
7 Remember the children of Edom, O Lord, in the day of Jerusalem, which said, Raze it, raze it to the foundation thereof.
8 O daughter of Babel, worthy to be destroyed, blessed shall he be that rewardeth thee, as thou hast served us.
9 Blessed shall he be that taketh and dasheth thy children against the stones.

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