Thursday, May 8, 2014

This is the day, which the Lord hath made: let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 118:24

Today is a good day. I don’t care if it’s sunny or storming outside. I don’t care, if it’s 5 degrees or 105 degrees, it is a good day. You may be happy, you may be blue, but it’s a good day. You may be on your way to work, or at home getting ready to take on the daily tasks, but it’s a good day. 
Now you might be asking me, “friend, what makes this a good day? You don’t know what’s going in my life, I’m ill, I’m broke, I’m destitute. My family is falling apart, my job is about to move away. My mom, or dad are gone, and I’m all alone. I have no friends, I have only enemies. Why is today a good day?” 

I’ll tell you why folks, because you woke up this morning, you put your two feet on the ground, you opened your eyes, and you took a breath of air. All of this was done by the goodness of God, our Creator, but what’s more, is that you are witness to yet another day of HIS creation. Every day is a good day, as made by our Creator. As scripture has said, he created the heavens and the earth, and as such Has set them into motion, and each day the sun rises and sets, and you’re around to see it.  But it gets even better, allow me to explain. 

To my brothers and sisters in Christ, you may now go about your daily routines, as I continue onward. I am now addressing the lost, and unsaved. Today is a good day, because God has given you yet another opportunity to join His family, and to accept His grace and mercy.  Don’t put it off until tomorrow, because it is not a given thing. When He has decided enough is enough, He will return, and it will be too late. Now I don’t care if you’re a CEO, or a beggar. I don’t care if your wealthy beyond all means, or poor barely scraping by. You may be walking to work, you may be sitting in jail. I don’t care who, or what you are, for to God it doesn’t matter, you are a work of His hands, and as such are part of His ultimate creation; mankind. And let me tell you friend, he loves you. He loves you with a love that is beyond your imagination.  He wants you in the fold, in the family, and He asks only one thing of you, just one. To confess your sins, and accept the sacrifice of His Son Jesus Christ as atonement for your sins.  

If you are reading this, act today, now! It’s simple and takes no time at all. Pray with me if you will:

Heavenly Father. I confess my sins, I accept the sacrifice of your Son Jesus Christ who knew no sin and, who died for me, to be redeemed to you. I ask you now to come into my heart, and to help me live my life for you. Amen 

Friends, if you just made this prayer, you have just made the best decision of your life. Go forth now and seek others, fellowship with other believers, find a church, a Bible study group. Learn and grow. Today IS a good day!

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