Tuesday, October 20, 2009

What's a Fella Gotta Do?

During the 1980’s there was a commercial for a company known as Polaner All Fruit wherein a young man is seated at a fine dinning table, surrounded by what at first appears to very wealthy, and obviously elite group of peers.

As he watches the action, each of the diners is asking someone to pass the Polaner. However, when he opens his mouth we here this extremely drawled accent, (actually it reminded me of Jethro Bodine of the “Beverley Hillbillies”) asking for someone to “please pass the jelly” whereupon mouths and jaws drop, forks fall from hands, and a woman swoons. To make the entire commercial a bit funnier, he speaks yet again saying;

“What’s a fella gotta do to get some of thet jelly?

Somehow, this makes me think of the current government Oaf-fish- als and to a somewhat lesser extent major corporation, that currently reside in the halls of power.

It is as if we’re all sitting around this government table watching the elitist politicians just helping themselves to taxpayer monies, passing this and that along to one another, and when the poor country bumpkin asks for a piece of the pie, they look at him with confusion, distain and outright contempt.

I admit that I get rather discouraged. We have big Corporations, siding with the left; just keep themselves in business.

I oft times find myself wishing that a movement to just take our business elsewhere would flourish on a national level, as I believe the conservative party is now the party of the little man.

Republicans, Democrats, huge corporations, they all seemed to be stacked against “we the people”.

It seems to me that the folks that have become all powerful thanks in no part from the average Joe view that same average Joe with distain and contempt.

As the guy in the commercial said, “what’s a fella gotta do?”

1 comment:

  1. Excellent post! I agree, both parties have totally lost direction and neither one seems to be in touch with the American people.

    One of two things needs to happen, I think. Either the parties need to re-organize themselves and get back to the roots of the party, OR the American voter needs to reach past party lines and vote for a person, not just a D or R.
