Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Signing Away Our Sovereignty

Signing Away our Sovereignty

What bothers me most is that nations like China will get a pass. They will be allowed to grow in all ways, and we will be diminished. Our buffoon will no doubt sign this thing. Moreover, even if China does sign it, it is this writer’s opinion they will not live up to it anyway. They will find ways to get around most of the provisions.

This is going to be worse than the Kyoto treaty, which even President Clinton couldn’t get done.

(Btw, as an added little tidbit, a report about Kyoto, in the WSJ, from June 2001 has probably not seen the light of day, which is consistent with MSM)

Now, IF PREZBO does sign it, can we talk impeachment for failing to honor his oath to DEFEND AND PROTECT the US Constitution?

Does not the Senate have to ratify this thing? I hope that the dimwits will realize what this will do to their OWN power and vote it down overwhelmingly

Hat tip on the video to Christina Peterson

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