Monday, August 18, 2014

There is No Division in Christ

For it hath been declared unto me, my brethren, of you by them that are of the house of Chloe, that there are contentions among you. Now this I say, that every one of you saith, I am Paul’s, and I am Apollos’s, and I am Cephas’s and I am Christ’s. Is Christ divided? was Paul crucified for you? either were ye baptized into the name of Paul?

The First Epistle to the Church at Corinth 1:11-13 (Geneva Bible Translation Ed. 1599)

Good Morning, and greetings in the name of Jesus Christ our Redeemer

This morning I digressed from my usual readings. I had been perusing the net when I ran across a conversation that reflected an all too common belief among all Christians that their particular sect has or is the one and only true lineage of the early churches. 

The Apostle Paul wrote to us that we are ALL one in Christ period. There is NO division among the brethren. There is like wise neither slave nor free, Greek nor Jew, rich nor poor or anything that would set us against one another. Do you not know that Satan is a cause for such thinking and divisiveness, and joys in the spreading of the idea that one is better than the other?

Recall also brethren, that God has determined that not one of us is righteous, that we at are best no more than filthy rags in that department. So what my brethren give any of  us the right to decide who holds the true form and the descendancy from the early churches?

The history of our beliefs are fraught with inconsistencies, anger, persecution and dissention. We have been and still are using man made doctrines, following man made rituals, and a host of other things that are not necessarily mentioned in Scripture. 

So, herein is the bottom line of this writer. Hold fast to and daily read/study scripture, and base your beliefs on the faith and the fact that God’s mercy and grace is a gift freely given to us. It is so due to the sacrifice of His only Son Jesus Christ. We, are the church, the Bride of Christ. We cannot be many brides, only the one. 

Brethren, it is not always that one must write with such harshness. Additionally do not think for one moment that this one is not guilty of such infractions. When one writes, one speaks to ones self as well.  They that have ears let them hear. 

Friends, it is urged that those who do not know the blessings of being in Christ, that you come forth now, today.  Pray with me please:

Father, Abba, I come today to confess my sins and to acknowledge the sacrifice of Your Son Jesus Christ as an atonement and redemption. I wish to be one in You. Come into my heart, heal me, and set me on the path towards Your righteousness. Amen

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