of God
But he replied and
said, "It is written, 'It is not by bread alone that a man
lives, except by every word that issues from the mouth of God
The Gospel According
to Matthew 4:4
The Gospel
According to Mark 12:27
All commentary
and study notes are prefaced/edited by Dr. Riktor Von Zhades
God is not the God
of the dead, but the God of the living. Ye are therefore greatly
Just as there is a
living God (Read Job 19:25; Hebrews 3:12, 10:31), so too shall man be
alive with Him after the resurrection. Recall also if you will that
we read like passages in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke. In John we
read how our Savior is the Son of the Living God (Read John 6:69).
Nay friends, God is not dead, but is, has been and always will be a
Living God Who will rule over a kingdom of the living, and not a
kingdom of the dead. For what pleasure would it be for a Creator to
have none but the dead to rule? They cannot praise Him, they cannot
bring glory to His name, they cannot worship Him. (Read Psalms 6:5,
115:17; Isaiah 38:18;) Such a kingdom would profit Him naught, but
emptiness. We were created in love for the joy of His pleasure and
with the duty to only submit unto His authority, leaving all things,
all needs, in His care so we in turn are freed to only worship Him.
In order to do so, we must therefore be alive as is He. - Dr. RVZ
“This is our
Lord's reasoning upon the passage; showing from hence, that since God
is the God of these persons, they must be now alive in their souls,
for God is not the God of the dead; and that their bodies must rise
again, or he will not be the God of their whole persons.” - John
“ That is, (if the
argument be proposed at length,) since thecharacter of his being the
God of any persons, plainly intimates a relation to them, not as
dead, but as living; and since he cannot be said to be at present
their God at all, if they are utterly dead; nor to be the God of
human persons, such as Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, consisting of souls
and bodies, if their bodies were to abide in everlasting death; there
must needs be a future state of blessedness, and a resurrection of
the body to share with the soul in it.” - John Wesley
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