of God
But he replied and
said, "It is written, 'It is not by bread alone that a man
lives, except by every word that issues from the mouth of God
The Gospel According
to Matthew 4:4
Book of Psalm 4:3
All commentary is
prefaced/edited by Doktor Riktor Von Zhades
For be ye sure that
the Lord hath chosen to himself a godly man, the Lord will hear when
I call unto him.
In the previous
day’s study we touched on how the ungodly only pay vain lip service
to our King and Creator. Contrast that with this morning’s reading,
and we see how the man that fears and references God, when he prays,
his prayers will be sent and heard. Now, make note friends that this
does not mean the answer will be speedily forthcoming, or that even
the answer will be yes, but heard they will indeed be. - Doktor
Riktor Von Zhades - Devoted follower of the Lord Jesus
“ A holy good man;
a man after God's own heart(Read 1 Samuel 16:13; Acts 13:22); whom
the Lord chose, and in a marvellous manner separated from the rest of
his brethren; took him from the sheepfold, and set him upon the
throne of Israel, for the glory of his great name; and therefore the
attempts of his enemies against him would be without success: and
also of the Messiah, God's Holy One, whom he has chosen out from
among the people to be their Saviour and Redeemer, to the glory of
his grace; wherefore the work of the Lord has prospered in his hands:
and likewise of all the saints, and of their election; which act is
expressed by their being set apart, or separated from others, who are
called the rest; and which is a marvelous act of grace: for the word
may be rendered, "he hath wonderfully set apart" It is an
amazing instance of grace that God should make one to differ from
another, and separate them from their mother's womb, and call them by
his grace. The object of this act is "him that is godly",
or "holy" : not that any are set apart or chosen by God for
their godliness, or holiness; for they are chosen through
sanctification of the Spirit, and not because they were or it was
foreseen they would be holy. Holiness, faith, godliness, and good
works, are the fruits of election, and not the causes of it: but the
word (dyox) , rendered "godly", signifies "good"
and "merciful"; and designs one, that God is good, and
gracious, and merciful unto; who is an object of his free grace and
favour; and therefore he chooses and sets him apart of his own grace
and mercy, and according to his sovereign will and pleasure: and that
"for himself"; for his own use and service, for his praise
and honour, and to the glory of his grace; which is his grand end in
predestination, election, and in all spiritual blessings. And now all
attempts against such persons are in vain; all charges against them
are of no avail; all methods, whether by open force of persecutors,
or by the cunning of false teachers, that lie in wait to deceive, to
prevail against them, prove failures: and God will avenge his elect,
that cry unto him day and night; as follows; the Lord will hear when
I call unto him; and deliver out of the hands of enemies, and cut
them off: wherefore it is a vain thing for men to set themselves
against Christ and his people.” - John Gill - Theologian
“ [This is to
say]; in His stead, or to be his vicegerent [proxy], as all kings
are, and especially the kings of God's own people.” - John Wesley -
Consider also today in your meditation Psalm 22:5, 31:17; Lamentations 3:54-57;
Consider also today in your meditation Psalm 22:5, 31:17; Lamentations 3:54-57;
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