Friday, March 18, 2016

Word of God
But he replied and said, "It is written, 'It is not by bread alone that a man lives, except by every word that issues from the mouth of God
The Gospel According to Matthew 4:4

The Book of Psalm 2:1-3
All commentary and study notes are prefaced/edited by Dr. Riktor Von Zhades

1 Why do the heathen rage, and the people murmur in vain. 2 The kings of the earth band themselves, and the Princes are assembled together against the Lord, and against his Christ. 3 Let us break their bands, and cast their cords from us.


Earlier this morning this editor posted from the Book of Hosea chapter 4 vss 1-2, and 6. That dovetails with the post that is found above. Indeed friends, the question is why do they do such things? Partly, it is believed that the ruler of this age, that being Satan entices them with such pleasures of carnality, that they cannot help but desire to be their own little gods. Who is ruler over me? Who shall control me? None can do so for I am my own man, my thoughts are my thoughts and none can stop me. (Read Judges 17:6; Psalm 10:3; Proverbs 21:2; 16:2; Isaiah 5:21; 56:11). However as we shall see in the next study, that the Lord our God dismisses their claims, and rebukes them in His wrath. - Dr. RVZ

David didn’t expect a reply when he asked this question, because there really is no reply. It was an expression of astonishment: “When you consider all that the Lord has done for the nations, how can they rebel against Him!” God had provided for their basic needs (Acts 14:15-17), guided them, kept them alive, and sent a Savior to bring forgiveness and eternal life (Read Acts 17:24-31; Daniel 4:32). Yet, from the Tower of Babel (Read Genesis 11:4) to the crucifixion of Christ (Read Acts 4:21-31) to the battle of Armageddon (Rev. 19:11ff.), the Bible records humanity’s foolish and futile rebellions against the will of the Creator. The kings and minor rulers form a conspiracy to break the bonds that the Lord has established for their own good. The picture is that of a stubborn and raging animal trying to break the cords that bind the yoke to its body (Jer. 5:5; 27:But the attempt is futile (vain) because the only true freedom comes from submitting to God and doing His will. Freedom without authority is anarchy, and anarchy destroys. I once saw a bit of graffiti that said, “All authority destroys creativity.” What folly! Authority is what releases and develops creativity, whether it’s a musician, an athlete, or a surgeon. Apart from submitting to the authority of truth and law, there can be no true creativity. The British theologian P. T. Forsythe wrote, ‘The first duty of every soul is to find not its freedom but its Master.’

But the nations’ rebellion isn’t against “God” in some abstract way; they defy the Messiah, Jesus Christ, the Son of God. The one thing the nations can agree on is “We will not have this man to reign over us” (Luke 19:14). The word messiah comes from the Hebrew word meaning “to anoint”; the Greek equivalent is “Christ.” In the Old Testament, kings were anointed (Read 1 Samuel 10:1; 2 Kings 11:12), as were prophets and priests (Read Exodus 28:41). Jesus said that the world hated Him and would also hate those who followed Him (Read John 7:7, 18-19, 24-25; Matthew 24:9; Luke 21:17). The phrase “set themselves” means “get ready for war.” The consequences of this defiance against the Lord and His Christ are described in Romans 1:18, and it isn’t a pretty picture. - Pastor Warren Wiersbe - American Pastor and Theologian

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