Thursday, March 31, 2016

Word of God
But he replied and said, "It is written, 'It is not by bread alone that a man lives, except by every word that issues from the mouth of God
The Gospel According to Matthew 4:4

The Book of Psalm 4:4-5
All commentary is prefaced/edited by Doktor Riktor Von Zhades

4 Tremble and sin not: examine your own heart upon your bed, and be still. Selah. 5 Offer the sacrifices of righteousness, and trust in the Lord.


Be slow to wrath (Read Ecclesiastes 7:11; Ephesians 4:26), quick to forgive. Consider your heart whilst at rest. Be still, and meditate upon the Word of God. Likewise live in and emulate the righteousness that has been imputed to you by Christ, and place your trust in Him. Consider also today in your meditations today Hosea 12:6; Colossians 3:12-17 - Doktor Riktor Von Zhades - Humble Servant of our Lord.

He warns them against sin, and exhorts them both to frighten and to reason themselves out of it. One good remedy against sin is to stand in awe. Be moved, in opposition to carelessness and carnal security. Always keep up a holy reverence of the glory and majesty of God, and a holy dread of his wrath and curse, and dare not to provoke him. One good means of preventing sin, and preserving a holy awe, is to be frequent and serious in communing with our own hearts: “Talk with your hearts; you have a great deal to say to them; they may be spoken with at any time; let it not be unsaid. A thinking man is in a fair way to be a wise and a good man. Commune with your hearts; examine them by serious self-reflection, that you may acquaint yourselves with them and amend what is amiss in them; employ them in solemn pious meditations; let your thoughts fasten upon that which is good and keep closely to it. Consider your ways, and observe the directions here given in order to the doing of this work well and to good purpose.

Choose a solitary time; do it when you lie awake upon your beds. Before you turn yourself to go to sleep at night; examine your consciences with respect to what you have done that day, particularly what you have done amiss, that you may repent of it. When you awake in the night meditate upon God, and the things that belong to your peace.” David himself practised what he here counsels others to do (Read Psalm 63:6), I remember thee on my bed. Upon a sick-bed, particularly, we should consider our ways and commune with our own hearts about them Compose yourselves into a serious frame: Be still. When you have asked conscience a question be silent, and wait for an answer; even in unquiet times keep you spirits calm and quiet.

He counsels them to make conscience of their duty: We must not only cease to do evil, but learn to do well. if they would but worship God aright; and those that know the concerns that lie between them and God will be glad of the Mediator, the Son of David. It is required here from every one of us. That we serve him: Offer sacrifices to him, your own selves first, and your best sacrifices. But they must be sacrifices of righteousness, that is, good works, all the fruits of the reigning love of God and our neighbour, and all the instances of a religious conversation, which are better than all burnt-offerings and sacrifices. Let all your devotions come from an upright heart; let all your alms be sacrifices of righteousness. [Therefore friends take heed to]; first make conscience of offering the sacrifices of righteousness and then you are welcome to put your trust in the Lord. Serve God without any diffidence of him, or any fear of losing by him. Honour him, by trusting in him only, and not in your wealth nor in an arm of flesh; trust in his providence, and lean not to your own understanding; trust in his grace, and go not about to establish your own righteousness or sufficiency.” - Matthew Henry 17th Century Theologian

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Word of God
But he replied and said, "It is written, 'It is not by bread alone that a man lives, except by every word that issues from the mouth of God
The Gospel According to Matthew 4:4

The Book of Psalm 4:3
All commentary is prefaced/edited by Doktor Riktor Von Zhades

For be ye sure that the Lord hath chosen to himself a godly man, the Lord will hear when I call unto him.


In the previous day’s study we touched on how the ungodly only pay vain lip service to our King and Creator. Contrast that with this morning’s reading, and we see how the man that fears and references God, when he prays, his prayers will be sent and heard. Now, make note friends that this does not mean the answer will be speedily forthcoming, or that even the answer will be yes, but heard they will indeed be. - Doktor Riktor Von Zhades - Devoted follower of the Lord Jesus

A holy good man; a man after God's own heart(Read 1 Samuel 16:13; Acts 13:22); whom the Lord chose, and in a marvellous manner separated from the rest of his brethren; took him from the sheepfold, and set him upon the throne of Israel, for the glory of his great name; and therefore the attempts of his enemies against him would be without success: and also of the Messiah, God's Holy One, whom he has chosen out from among the people to be their Saviour and Redeemer, to the glory of his grace; wherefore the work of the Lord has prospered in his hands: and likewise of all the saints, and of their election; which act is expressed by their being set apart, or separated from others, who are called the rest; and which is a marvelous act of grace: for the word may be rendered, "he hath wonderfully set apart" It is an amazing instance of grace that God should make one to differ from another, and separate them from their mother's womb, and call them by his grace. The object of this act is "him that is godly", or "holy" : not that any are set apart or chosen by God for their godliness, or holiness; for they are chosen through sanctification of the Spirit, and not because they were or it was foreseen they would be holy. Holiness, faith, godliness, and good works, are the fruits of election, and not the causes of it: but the word (dyox) , rendered "godly", signifies "good" and "merciful"; and designs one, that God is good, and gracious, and merciful unto; who is an object of his free grace and favour; and therefore he chooses and sets him apart of his own grace and mercy, and according to his sovereign will and pleasure: and that "for himself"; for his own use and service, for his praise and honour, and to the glory of his grace; which is his grand end in predestination, election, and in all spiritual blessings. And now all attempts against such persons are in vain; all charges against them are of no avail; all methods, whether by open force of persecutors, or by the cunning of false teachers, that lie in wait to deceive, to prevail against them, prove failures: and God will avenge his elect, that cry unto him day and night; as follows; the Lord will hear when I call unto him; and deliver out of the hands of enemies, and cut them off: wherefore it is a vain thing for men to set themselves against Christ and his people.” - John Gill - Theologian

[This is to say]; in His stead, or to be his vicegerent [proxy], as all kings are, and especially the kings of God's own people.” - John Wesley - Theologian


Consider also today in your meditation Psalm 22:5, 31:17; Lamentations 3:54-57;

Monday, March 28, 2016

Word of God
But he replied and said, "It is written, 'It is not by bread alone that a man lives, except by every word that issues from the mouth of God
The Gospel According to Matthew 4:4

The Book of Psalm 4:2
All commentary is prefaced/edited by Doktor Riktor Von Zhades

O ye sons of men, how long will ye turn my glory into shame, loving vanity, and seeking lies? Selah.

How long indeed will man reject the wisdom that comes from above? When will we return to our Creator, and seek His face, and his benevolent hand? The Prophet Hosea wrote (Read Hosea 11:7) that mankind is bent towards rebellion, towards deceit. They speak lies and when they call upon Him it is more like paying lip service, than praise and glorifying the name of God.

Likewise the Apostle Paul wrote to Timothy that in the latter days men will be lovers of themselves, and not each other, nor God. (Read 2 Timothy 3:2).

So as wrote Solomon; “there is nothing new under the sun” (Read Ecclesiastes 1:9)
Doktor Riktor Von Zhades - Humble servant of Christ

God, by the psalmist, here reasons with sinners to bring them to repentance. “You that go on in the neglect of God and his worship, and in contempt of the kingdom of Christ and his government, consider what you do. You debase yourselves, for you are sons of men” (the word signifies man as a noble creature); consider the dignity of your nature, and the excellency of those powers of reason with which you are endued, and do not act thus irrationally and unbecoming yourselves. Let the sons of men consider and show themselves men.

You dishonour your Maker, and turn his glory into shame. They may well be taken as God’s own words, charging sinners with the wrong they do him in his honour: or, if David’s words, the term glory may be understood of God, whom he called his glory, (Read Psalm 3:3). Idolaters are charged with changing the glory of God into shame, (Read Romans 1:23). All willful sinners do so by disobeying the commands of his law, despising the offers of his grace, and giving the affection and service to the creature which are due to God only. Those that profane God’s holy name, that ridicule his word and ordinances, and, while they profess to know him, in works deny him, do what in them lies to turn his glory into shame.

You put a cheat upon yourselves: You love vanity, and seek after leasing, or lying, or that which is a lie. You are yourselves vain and lying, and you love to be so. Or, You set your hearts upon that which will prove, at last, but vanity and a lie.” Those that love the world, and seek the things that are beneath, love vanity, and seek lies; as those also do that please themselves with the delights of sense, and portion themselves with the wealth of this world; for these will deceive them, and so ruin them. “How long will you do this? Will you never be wise for yourselves, never consider your duty and interest? When shall it once be?” (Read Jeremiah 13:27). The God of heaven thinks the time long that sinners persist in dishonoring him and in deceiving and ruining themselves.”
Matthew Henry - 17th Century Theologian

Sunday, March 27, 2016

March 27, 2016 Easter Sunday
Reading from the Gospel According to Luke Chapter 24 verse 6
He is not here, but is risen: remember how he spake unto you, when he was yet in Galilee -Geneva Bible Translation
He is not here, he has risen. As he used to speak to you while he was in Galilee - Aramaic Translation
He is not here; he has been raised. Remember how he told you while he was still in the Galil - The Complete Jewish Bible Translation
Witness is hereby given to Christ that he is living, of him it is witnessed that he liveth (Read Hebrews 7:8), and it is the comfort of all the saints, I know that my Redeemer liveth (Read Job 19:25); for because he lives we shall live also. But a reproof is given to those that look for him among the dead,—that look for him among the dead heroes that the Gentiles worshipped, as if he were but like one of them,—that look for him in an image, or a crucifix, the work of men’s hands, or among unwritten tradition and the inventions of men; and indeed all they that expect happiness and satisfaction in the creature, or perfection in this imperfect state, may be said to seek the living among the dead.
They [the angels] assure them that he is risen from the dead ‘He is not here, but is risen, is risen by his own power; he has quitted his grace, to return no more to it’ These angels were competent witnesses, for they had been sent express from heaven with orders for his discharge. And we are sure that their record is true; they durst not tell a lie.
They refer them to his own words: Remember what he spoke to you, when he was yet in Galilee. If they had duly believed and observed the prediction of it, they would easily have believed the thing itself when it came to pass; and therefore, that the tidings might not be such a surprise to them and they seemed to be, the angels repeat to them what Christ had often said in their hearing, The Son of man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, and though it was done by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God, yet they that did it were not the less sinful for doing it. He told them that he must be crucified. Surely they could not forget that which they had with so much concern seen fulfilled; and would not this bring to their mind that which always followed, The third day he shall rise again? Observe, These angels from heaven bring not any new gospel, but put them in mind, as the angels of the churches do, of the sayings of Christ, and teach them how to improve and apply them.” - Matthew Henry – 17th Century Theologian
My Brethren;
It is for this reason that we believe; that God sent His only Son into the world to atone for the sins of mankind, to send Him to take our punishment, that is to say, death. But more importantly to rise Him up from death to life everlasting. For only God in the flesh, could do so. Man simply cannot attain redemption and furthermore salvation by his own efforts. We are flawed due to our sinful nature. We have good intentions, we try hard, but in the end our best efforts are naught but cheap copies of He that is most righteous of all: Jesus Christ, Messiah. - Doktor Riktor Von Zhades - A devoted disciple of Jesus Christ

Friday, March 25, 2016

Word of God
But he replied and said, "It is written, 'It is not by bread alone that a man lives, except by every word that issues from the mouth of God
The Gospel According to Matthew 4:4

The Book of Psalm 3:8
All commentary is prefaced/edited by Doktor Riktor Von Zhades

Salvation belongeth unto the Lord, and thy blessing is upon thy people. Selah.


Salvation can only be attained through the blood of Christ Jesus. When we turn to Him by the confessing of our sins and accepting His conditions as Redeemer Messiah, we are then part of the family of God . (Read Romans 10:19; 1 John 1:19; 4:15). We are grafted into the Branch of righteousness. (Read Romans 11:16-24). - Doktor Riktor Von Zhades - Devoted Servant of Christ

Two great truths he here builds his confidence upon and fetches comfort from. That salvation belongeth unto the Lord; he has power to save, be the danger ever so great; it is his prerogative to save, when all other helps and succours fail; it is his pleasure, it is his property, it is his promise to those that are his, whose salvation is not of themselves, but of the Lord. Therefore all that have the Lord for their God, according to the tenour of the new covenant, are sure of salvation; for he that is their God is the God of salvation.

That his blessing is upon his people; he not only has power to save them, but he has assured them of his kind and gracious intentions towards them. He has, in his word, pronounced a blessing upon his people; and we are bound to believe that that blessing does accordingly rest upon them, though there be not the visible effects of it. Hence we may conclude that God’s people, though they may lie under the reproaches and censures of men, are surely blessed of him, who blesses indeed, and therefore can command a blessing.

In singing this, and praying it over, we must own the satisfaction we have had in depending upon God and committing ourselves to him, and encourage ourselves, and one another to continue still hoping and quietly waiting for the salvation of the Lord.” - Matthew Henry -17th Century Theologian

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Word of God
But he replied and said, "It is written, 'It is not by bread alone that a man lives, except by every word that issues from the mouth of God
The Gospel According to Matthew 4:4

The Book of Psalm 3:5
All commentary is prefaced/edited by Doktor Riktor Von Zhades

5 I laid me down and slept, and rose up again: for the Lord sustained me.


To trust in the Lord our God, our Creator is to know that we can sleep in perfect confidence and security. Make note friends that whilst we do sleep, God does not, He may take His rest, but it is unlike our own. For us, sleep is our bodies way of restoring itself from the day’s divers trials and tribulations. Know therefore this, that as we rest, our God is on His throne, working and maintaining us. - Doktor Riktor Von Zhades - A disciple of Christ

The psalmist committed himself to the care and protection of God; he laid himself down in his arms, and there slept in safety; the Lord preserved him, who is Israel's keeper, that neither slumbers nor sleeps: and he rose in health and cheerfulness in the morning, supported by his right hand. This shows, that lying down to sleep, when in such circumstances, and awaking with cheerfulness, were not owing to rashness, stupidity, and insensibility, but to divine supports. These words may be interpreted, as they are by some of the ancients, of the death of Christ, and of his resurrection from the dead by the power of God; death is often expressed by sleep, and the resurrection of the dead by an awaking out of sleep, (Read Daniel 12:2 ; Isaiah 26:19) ; and Christ's death being signified by lying down and sleeping, may denote both the voluntariness of it, that he laid down his life freely and willingly; and his short continuance under the power of death, it was but like a night's sleep; and his resurrection from the dead, being expressed by an awaking through the Lord's sustaining him, shows that it was by the power of God, even the exceeding greatness of his power: and the whole of this may be applied to the case and state of the saints and people of God, who at times have rest and peace amidst their enemies; though they have tribulation in the world, they have peace in Christ; and notwithstanding the temptations of Satan, and the corruptions of their own hearts, they have joy and comfort through believing in Christ; the Lord sustains them with precious promises, and supports them with the discoveries of his love, and upholds them with the right hand of his righteousness.” - John Gill

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Word of God
But he replied and said, "It is written, 'It is not by bread alone that a man lives, except by every word that issues from the mouth of God
The Gospel According to Matthew 4:4

The Book of Psalm 3:2-3
All commentary is prefaced/edited by Doktor Riktor Von Zhades

2 Many say to my soul, There is no help for him in God. Selah. 3 But thou Lord art a buckler for me, my glory, and the lifter up of mine head.


In these times (as in times past), we are beset with mockers of God, and those that choose to follow Him. They place their hopes in the words of men. Yea, in the wisdom of men, yet that wisdom continually fails. Contained herein above is a contrast by the Psalmist, of those that would beileve, and those that would not. In the former verse we find the ungodly stating that it is foolishness to believe in prayer, and help from our Creator. In the latter passage we see that the believer holds fast to his confession, and trusts in Him implicitly.

Now, a buckler, was sort of a small shield used to fend off attacks, from such weapons as swords, knives, spears, and others. As such the Psalmist is comparing the trust in the Lord as a shield for all the verbal (and perhaps at times physcial), attacks by our human adversaries, as well as the firey darts of Satan himself.

Also, make note my friends, that God, is the lifter of the lowly, those who are of a contrite heart and spirit. It is through our weaknesses, that He proves Himself strong, and all glory therefore goes to Him.

Therefore, take heed, that while we are strenghtened by His word, the battle ultimately belongs to the Lord. - Doktor Riktor Von Zhades - Devoted disciple of Christ our Lord.

Whither else should we go but to him when any thing grieves us or frightens us? David was now at a distance from his own closet, and from the courts of God’s house, where he used to pray; and yet he could find away open heaven-ward. Wherever we are we may have access to God, and may draw nigh to him whithersoever we are driven. David, in his flight, attends his God.” - Matthew Henry 17th Century Theologian

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Word of God
But he replied and said, "It is written, 'It is not by bread alone that a man lives, except by every word that issues from the mouth of God
The Gospel According to Matthew 4:4

The Book of Psalm 2:10-11
All commentary prefaced/edited by Dr. Riktor Von Zhades

10 Be wise now therefore, ye kings: be learned ye judges of the earth. 11 Serve the Lord in fear, and rejoice in trembling. 12 Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish in the way, when his wrath shall suddenly burn. Blessed are all that trust in him.


In the old Hebrew text verses 10-12 are rendered thus;

10 So now O kings, be prudent; accept discipline, you rulers of the earth 11 Serve the Lord in awe; tremble with fright 12 Pay homage in food faith lest He angered and your way be doomed in the flash of his anger. Psalm 2:10-12

Herein contained above is instruction, for not only those that would lead, but for all men. To be wise in all the ways of the Lord, so that we might be wise in the eyes of man.

Consider therefor the words of the prophet Hosea 6:1-2; return and seek Him and he will heal us and raise us up. - Dr. RVZ

Not the creature, neither more, nor besides, nor with the Creator; God and mammon cannot both be served; nor any fictitious and nominal deities, the idols of the Gentiles, who are not gods by nature; but the true Jehovah, the one and only Lord God, he only is to be worshipped and served, even Father, Son, and Spirit. Here it may be understood either of the Lord Christ, the Son of God, who is to be served by the kings and judges of the earth, he being King of kings, and Lord of lords; or rather of Jehovah the Father, and the service these persons are called unto lies not in the discharge of any office in the church, as in preaching the word, which is serving God in the Gospel of his Son; and hence the ministers of the word are eminently called the servants of the most high God; for kings and judges are not required hereby to lay aside their crowns and scepters, and leave their seats of justice, and become preachers of the Gospel; but in acting according to the will of God revealed in his word, and in the whole worship of him, both internal and external: and this is to be done "with fear", not with fear of man, nor with servile fear of God, but with a godly and filial fear, with a reverential affection for him, and in a way agreeable to his mind and will; with reverence and awe of him, without levity, carelessness, and negligence.

Some reference may be had to the joy in public worship, as at sacrifices and festivals, and the music in divine service under the law; and the singing of psalms and hymns and spiritual songs under the Gospel; and especially to the Gospel dispensation itself, which is a time of joy and rejoicing; the Gospel is good tidings of great joy; the kingdom of God is not in things external, but in joy in the Holy Ghost; and, above all, respect is had to a rejoicing in Christ Jesus, in his person, righteousness, and salvation: and which is consistent with "trembling"; not with a fearful looking for of judgment, but with modesty and humility; in which sense this word, when joined with "fear" as here, is used (Read Philippians 2:12 ) , and stands opposed to pride, haughtiness, and arrogance; men should so rejoice in Christ as to have no confidence in the flesh, or assume any degree of glory to themselves, or have any rejoicing in themselves, but wholly in Christ, giving all the glory of what they have to him. - John Gill 17th century theologian

Monday, March 21, 2016

Word of God
But he replied and said, "It is written, 'It is not by bread alone that a man lives, except by every word that issues from the mouth of God
The Gospel According to Matthew 4:4

The Book of Psalm 2:4
All commentary and study notes are prefaced/edited by Dr. Riktor Von Zhades

But he that dwelleth in the heaven shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision


First consider also this day Proverbs 1:26. Therefore, just as the ungodly mock God, and His people so will He mock them when disaster is set upon them, for they will then seek Him, but He will turn His face away from them. Dr. RVZ

Who it is that they quarrel with, and muster up all their forces against; it is against the Lord and against his anointed, that is, against all religion in general and the Christian religion in particular. It is certain that all who are enemies to Christ, whatever they pretend, are enemies to God himself; they have hated both me and my Father, (Read John 15:24). The great author of our holy religion is here called the Lord’s anointed, or Messiah, or Christ, in allusion to the anointing of David to be king. He is both authorized and qualified to be the church’s head and king, is duly invested in the office and every way fitted for it; yet there are those that are against him; nay, therefore they are against him, because they are impatient of God’s authority, envious at Christ’s advancement, and have a rooted enmity to the Spirit of holiness.

He is in the heaven, a place of such a vast prospect that he can oversee them all and all their projects; and such is his power that he can overcome them all and all their attempts. He sits there, as one easy and at rest, out of the reach of all their impotent menaces and attempts. There he sits as Judge in all the affairs of the children of men, perfectly secure of the full accomplishment of all his own purposes and designs, in spite of all opposition, (Read Psalm 29:10). The perfect repose of the Eternal Mind may be our comfort under all the disquietments of our mind. We are tossed on earth, and in the sea, but he sits in the heavens, where he has prepared his throne for judgment; and therefore; the attempts of Christ’s enemies are easily ridiculed. God laughs at them as a company of fools. He has them, and all their attempts, in derision, and therefore the virgin, the daughter of Zion, has despised them, (Read Isaiah 37:22). Sinners’ follies are the just sport of God’s infinite wisdom and power; and those attempts of the kingdom of Satan which in our eyes are formidable in his are despicable. Sometimes God is said to awake, and arise, and stir up himself, for the vanquishing of his enemies; here is said to sit still and vanquish them; for the utmost operations of God’s omnipotence create no difficulty at all, nor the least disturbance to his eternal rest.” - Matthew Henry - 17th Century Theologian

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Repentance Towards God
By John Gill - Theologian
Prefaced/Edited by Doktor Riktor Von Zhades


Repentance; the word itself conjures up visions of sorrow and grief for doing what has been traditionally considered immoral, or ungodly. Webster’s Dictionary (Ed. 1913) defines it as follows:

“The state of being penitent; sorrow for what one has done or omitted to do; especially, contrition for sin. Repentance is the relinquishment of any practice from the conviction that it has offended God. Sorrow, fear, and anxiety are properly not parts, but adjuncts, of repentance; yet they are too closely connected with it to be easily separated.”

As such, when one comes to repentance it is the giving up of lifestyles that are not pleasing to our Creator. Sometimes it takes a very long time to achieve this state. At other time it’s almost instantaneous. The point herein, however it is that it is a state in which we seek forgiveness and mercy from our Creator, by renouncing our carnal and worldly selves, and putting on the new man in Christ (Read Ephesians 4:22-24; Colossians 3:8). For we simply cannot please the Living God if we pretend to be taking one path; that being the path of righteousness and godliness, yet all the while traveling the other path of earthy desires, and paying Him naught but lip service. - D. RVZ

Part One

Repentance is another part of internal worship; it is a branch of godliness which lies in the disposition of the soul Godwards; for in the exercise of this the sensible sinner has much to do with God; he has a special respect to him against whom he has sinned, and therefore it is with great propriety called "Repentance towards God" (Read Acts 20:21). Concerning which may be observed.

First, the Jews commonly express it by hbwvt a "turning", or "returning", and it is frequently signified in the Old Testament by a man's turning from his evil ways, and returning [Read Hosea 6:1-3] to the Lord; the term from which he turns is sin, the term to which be turns is the Lord, against whom he has sinned; and what most powerfully moves, encourages, and induces him to turn, is the pardoning grace and mercy of God through Christ (Read Isaiah 55:7), and so in the New Testament, repentance and turning are mentioned together, and the latter as explanative of the former; (Read Acts 3:19; 26:20).

[Additionally], there is another word in Hebrew used for repentance, “Mxn” (Read Hosea 11:8; 13:14), which also signifies comfort; because such who sincerely repent of sin, and are truly humbled for it, should be comforted, lest, as the apostle says, they should be "swallowed up with overmuch sorrow" (Read 2 Corinthians 2:7), and it is God's usual way to bring his people "into the wilderness", into a distressed state, to lead them into a sense of sin, and humiliation for it, and then to speak comfortably to them (Read Hosea 2:14), and the Spirit of God is first a reprover for sin, and a convincer of it, and then a comforter; be first shows men the evil nature of sin, and the just desert of it, and gives them the grace of repentance for it, and then comforts them with the application of pardon through the blood of Jesus (Read John 16:7,8,14), and blessed are they that mourn for sin in an evangelical manner, for they shall be comforted (Read Matthew 5:4).

Secondly, the Greek word more frequently used in the New Testament for repentance is “metanoia’, which signifies an "after understanding", or "after knowledge"; as when a man takes into serious consideration a fact after it is committed, and thinks otherwise of it, and wishes he had not done it, is sorry for it, and resolves, through the grace of God, to forsake such practices; this is a proof of a man's wisdom and understanding; now he begins [Read Psalm Psalm 111:10; Proverbs 1:7; 9:10] to be wise, and to show himself an understanding man; even an heathen could say, “Repentance is the beginning of wisdom, and an avoiding of foolish works and words, and the first preparation to a life not to be repented of.” It is a change of the mind for the better, and which produces change of action and conduct: this, as it is expressive of true repentance, flows from the understanding being enlightened by the Spirit of God, when the sinner beholds sin in another light it did, even as exceeding sinful; and loathes it, and abhors it and himself for it. There is another word the Greeks use for repentance, “metameleia”, and though the noun is not used in the New Testament, the verb is (Read Matthew 21:29,32), and signifies a care and anxiety of mind after a fact is committed, a concern with sorrow that it should be done, and a care for the future not to do it again; hence the apostle, among the genuine fruits of godly sorrow for sin, mentions this in the first place, "What carefulness it wrought in you", not to offend more (Read 2 Corinthians 7:11). It also signifies a change of mind and conduct, as appears from (Matthew 21:29), a penitent sinner has another notion of sin than he had; before it was a sweet morsel, now a bitter and evil thing; before his heart was bent upon it, now determined through divine grace to forsake it, and cleave to the Lord with full purpose of heart. [ Read Proverbs 27:7]

Thirdly, The Latins generally express repentance by "poenitentia", from "poena" punishment; hence our English words "penitence", and "penance". True penitence lies [as] an inward punishment of the mind, when a man is so displeased with himself for what he has done, and so severely reflects upon himself for it, that he takes as it were a kind of vengeance on himself within himself, which are the lashes of conscience; so the apostle observes of godly sorrow, "What indignation, yea what revenge" it wrought in you, as in the above quoted place; and this inward revenge is sometimes expressed by outward gestures, as by smiting upon the thigh, and upon the breast (Read Jeremiah 31:19; Luke 18:13). There is another word which the Latins use for repentance, "resipiscentia", which signifies a man's being wise again, a coming to his wits, to his senses again. Lactantius explains it of the recovery of a man's mind from a state of insanity; a man, while he is in an unconverted and impenitent state, is not himself, he is not in his right mind; not only his foolish heart is darkened, and he is without understanding, and to do good has no knowledge, but "madness" is "in his heart while he lives" in such a state; every act of sin is not only folly but madness, as all acts of hostility committed against God, which sins are, must needs be; "the man that dwelt among the tombs" (Read Mark 5:1-20), is a fit emblem of such persons: now when an impenitent sinner becomes penitent, he may be said to "come to himself", as the prodigal did (Read Luke 15:17), so the apostle Paul [Read Acts 8:3; 9:1-2], before conversion was exceeding mad against the saints, and thought he ought to do many things contrary to the name of Jesus; but when he was converted he was recovered from his insanity, and appeared sober and in his right mind, and said, "Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?" when a sinner is truly convinced of sin, and thoroughly humbled for it, and has repentance unto life given him, and a comfortable application of the blood and righteousness of Christ unto him for his pardon and justification, and his mind is become sedate, serene and quiet, the man who before was mad, is an emblem of him, when he was seen "sitting clothed and in his right mind" (Read Mark 5:15).

Fourthly, the word "contrition", or brokenness of mind, is sometimes used for repentance, and there is some foundation for it in the word of God; we often read of a contrite heart and spirit; David says he was "feeble and sore broken" (Read Psalm 38:8), which seems to be under a sense of sin: a man's heart is naturally hard, as hard as the nether millstone, and therefore called a "stony heart", and such an one is an impenitent one; hence hardness, and an impenitent heart, are put together[ Read 2 Chronicles 30:8; Acts7:51 (as it relates to the term “stiff necked)], as designing the same thing (Read Romans 2:5). The word of God is made use of to break it in pieces, "is not my word—like a hammer to break the rock in pieces?" that is, to make the heart contrite, which is like to a rock, and whereby it becomes soft and tender, as Josiah's was, like an heart of flesh, susceptible of serious impressions, and of a true sense of things; and though this contrition of heart seems to be a work of the law, by which is the knowledge of sin, and which works wrath in the conscience on account of it, smites and cuts and wounds it; yet hereby it is prepared to receive the benefit of the gospel, by which the Lord "heals the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds" (Read Psalm 147:3; Isaiah 61:1). However, great notice is taken of men of contrite hearts and spirits; the sacrifices of such hearts are acceptable to God; he looks unto, is nigh unto, and dwells with those who are of such a spirit and saves them (Read Psalm 51:17; 34:18; Isaiah 57:15; 66:2), besides the heart may be broken, made soft and melted down as much or more under a sense of pardoning grace displayed in the gospel, than under a sense of wrath through the threatenings and terrors of the law.

Fifthly, repentance is expressed by sorrow for sin. "My sorrow is continually before me", says David, "I will be sorry for my sin" (Read Psalm 38:17,18), and which is signified not by outward gestures, not by rending garments, but by rending the heart (Read Joel 2:13), it is a felt pain and inward sorrow of the heart for sin, and what the apostle calls a sorrow "after a godly sort", kata qeon, "after God", which is according to the mind and will of God; and because of sin committed against God, a God of love, grace, and mercy, and which springs from love to God and hatred of sin, and is attended with faith in God, as a God pardoning iniquity, transgression, and sin, for Christ's sake; but of this more hereafter.