Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Word of God
But he replied and said, "It is written, 'It is not by bread alone that a man lives, except by every word that issues from the mouth of God
The Gospel According to Matthew 4:4

The Gospel According to Mark 9:7
All commentary and study notes are prefaced/edited by Dr. Riktor Von Zhades

And there was a cloud that shadowed them, and a voice came out of the cloud, saying, This is my beloved Son: hear him.


It is urged that you think also this day upon 2 Chronicles 15:2, 4. Hear the voice and the words of the Lord your God. Likewise act upon them to the best of your ability. - Dr. RVZ

God owns him, and accepts him, as his beloved Son, and is ready to accept of us in him; we must then own and accept him as our beloved Saviour, and must give up ourselves to be ruled by him.” Matthew Henry - 17th Century Theologian

This was the voice of God the Father, bearing a testimony to the sonship of Christ; and was directed, not to Moses and Elias, but to the disciples, enjoining them to hear and obey him, who was the end of the law and prophets; was the great prophet Moses had spoken of, and was to be hearkened to, and whom all the prophets had testified of, and in whom they all centred.”
John Gill - 17th Century Theologian

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