Friday, April 29, 2016

Word of God
But he replied and said, "It is written, 'It is not by bread alone that a man lives, except by every word that issues from the mouth of God
The Gospel According to Matthew 4:4

The Book of Psalms 6:4

Return, O Lord: deliver my soul: save me for thy mercy’s sake


It is written to that if we call upon the name of the Lord we shall be saved. (Read Acts 11:14, 16:31; Romans10:9) This dovetails with yesterday’s study. Friends, our God is merciful. He is slow to anger and quick to forgive when we confess our sins and shortcomings to Him and show repentance. (Read Psalm 8615, 103:5, 145: 8; James 5:16; 1 John 1:9). Henceforth let us ask Him for forgiveness, not only as individuals but likewise for all men by praying for all men. For the Lord takes no delight in the perishing of the wicked, but that all should come to acknowledge Him as sovereign over the affairs of man, and that they should emulate His righteousness. The proposition put forth herein above is that He delights in granting mercy and grace to all that seek Him, and extends that offer to all that have yet to do so. - Doktor Riktor Von Zhades - Christian disciple.

God is immense and omnipresent, he is everywhere: going away and returning cannot be properly ascribed to him; but he, nay be said to depart from his people, as to sensible communion with him, and enjoyment of him, when he hides his face, withdraws his gracious presence, and the comfortable discoveries and influences of his love; and he may be said to return when he visits them again, and manifests his love and favour to them: the Jewish writers interpret it; ‘return from the fierceness of thine anger’ and as we have read in Psalm 85:3 Though there is no such change in God, as from love to wrath, and from wrath to love; but inasmuch as there is a change in his dispensations towards his people, it is as if it was so; and thus it is apprehended by them.

[Therefore] we read the entreaty to deliver my soul;from the anxiety, distress, and sore vexation it was now in, for of all troubles soul troubles are the worst: and from all enemies and workers of iniquity which were now about him, and gave him much grief and uneasiness; and from death itself, he was in fear of; [and likewise we also read]O, save me for thy mercy's sake out of all troubles of soul and body, and out of the hands of all enemies, inward and outward; and with temporal, spiritual, and eternal salvation; not for his righteousness's sake, as Kimchi well observes; for salvation is according to the abundant mercy of God, and not through works of righteousness done by men, otherwise it would not be of grace.” - John Gill17th Century Theologian

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