of God
does not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth from
the mouth of God
Epistle of James 1:12
Blessed is the man, that endureth tentation: for when he is tried, he
shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them
that love him.
is not the man who suffers only that is blessed, but he who endures,
who with patience and constancy goes through all difficulties in the
way of his duty. Afflictions cannot make us miserable, if it be not
our own fault. A blessing may arise from them, and we may be blessed
in them. They are so far from taking away a good man’s felicity
that they really increase it. Sufferings and temptations are the way
to eternal blessedness: When he is tried, he shall receive the crown
of life, dokimos genomenos —when he is approved, when his graces
are found to be true and of the highest worth (so metals are tried as
to their excellency by the fire), and when his integrity is
manifested, and all is approved of the great Judge. Note hence: To be
approved of God is the great aim of a Christian in all his trials;
and it will be his blessedness at last, when he shall receive the
crown of life. The tried Christian shall be a crowned one: and the
crown he shall wear will be a crown of life. It will be life and
bliss to him, and will last for ever. We only bear the cross for a
while, but we shall wear the crown to eternity. This blessedness,
involved in a crown of life, is a promised thing to the righteous
sufferer. It is therefore what we may most surely depend upon: for,
when heaven and earth shall pass away, this word of God shall not
fail of being fulfilled. But withal let us take notice that our
future reward comes, not as a debt, but by a gracious promise. Our
enduring temptations must be from a principle of love to God and to
our Lord Jesus Christ, otherwise we are not interested in this
promise: The Lord hath promised to those that love him. Paul the
Apostle wrote that a man may for some point of religion even give his
body to be burnt, and yet not be pleasing to God, nor regarded by
him, because of his want of charity, or a prevailing sincere love to
God and man, (See 1 Corinthians 13:3). The crown of life is promised
not only to great and eminent saints, but to all those who have the
love of God reigning in their hearts. Every soul that truly loves God
shall have its trials in this world fully recompensed in that world
above where love is made perfect.
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