Thursday, October 15, 2015


When you worship,‭ ‬worship in the spirit of meekness,humbleness and holiness.‭ ‬Seek you first the kingdom of God,‭ ‬and when you seek it,‭ ‬seek it in the spirit of righteousness.‭ ‬For it is written that He is holy,‭ ‬therefore be holy.‭ ‬Your Lord put on the flesh of man,‭ ‬and became the servant in the form of meekness and humble-mindedness,‭ ‬therefore be as He is.‭ ‬Finally He is righteous,‭ ‬therefore seek His righteousness,‭ ‬and allow it be imputed to you.‭

Remember likewise that while we must live in this world,‭ ‬we must not allow ourselves to be entangled in the cares of them,‭ ‬in the ways that those that do not believe become ensnared.‭ ‬Our futures lie in the kingdom that is to come and in the One that will bring it forth.‭ ‬He that brings it,‭ ‬was also once as we are now,‭ ‬a man of flesh,‭ ‬in so far as He was tempted and tried.‭ ‬Yet He overcame all and was perfected by the crucible of the Father's refining fires.‭ ‬He is not without compassion,‭ ‬but on the contrary is most compassionate towards those who love Him.‭ ‬And to those that who are yet to believe He shows patience for they are also His to gather in for the kingdom.‭

Henceforth,‭ ‬be ready to preach the word of His Gospel,‭ ‬at anytime,‭ ‬and to do so unashamedly.‭ ‬For,‭ ‬we see the days growing shorter for the gathering in of the fold.‭ ‬Fear not then what will happen,‭ ‬but know that we are armed with the with the word of His Gospel,‭ ‬this is the Good News to all that will hear it.‭ ‬Know also that we have a Savior that goes before us,‭ ‬and leads us into the spiritual battle for the time of gathering.‭ ‬Amen

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