Monday, December 22, 2014

Today’s reading; 
The Book of Judges Chapter 16 

Editor’s notation - We learn of Samson’s downfall via his eyes, it is later onward that we read of how that particular sense is taken away from him. ( read also Matthew 18:9, Mark 9:47)

Satan ruins men by rocking them asleep, flattering them into a good opinion of their own safety, and so bringing them to mind nothing and fear nothing, and then he robs them of their strength and honour and leads them captive at his will. When we sleep our spiritual enemies do not. Many have lost the favourable presence of God and are not aware of it; they have provoked God to withdraw from them, but are not sensible of their loss, nor ever complain of it. Their souls languish and grow weak, their gifts wither, every thing goes cross with them; and yet they impute not this to the right cause: they are not aware that God has departed from them, nor are they in any care to reconcile themselves to him or to recover his favour. When God has departed we cannot do as at other times.  Those that have thrown themselves out of God’s protection become an easy prey to their enemies. If we sleep in the lap of our lusts, we shall certainly wake in the hands of the same.  The devil does thus by sinners, blinds the minds of those who believe not, and so enslaves them, and secures them in his interests.  How are sinners brought to desolation in a moment! They are lifted up in pride and mirth, that their fall may be the more dreadful. Let us never envy the mirth of wicked people, but infer from this instance that their triumphing is short and their joy but for a moment. (see Psalm 37:1-2). Nothing fills the measure of the iniquity of any person or people faster than mocking and misusing the servants of God, yea, though it is by their own folly that they are brought low. Those know not what they do, nor whom they affront, that make sport with a good man. 

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