Tuesday, December 9, 2014

The Book of Judges Chapter 5:2, 31
GNV Translation Ed. 1599

2 Praise ye the Lord for the avenging of Israel, and for the people that offered themselves willingly.
31 So let all thine enemies perish, O Lord: but they that love him, shall be as the Sun when he riseth in his might, and the land had rest forty years.

When we give our lives over to our God, He forever goes before us, leading us forward and onward. Likewise, we know peace in our lives. 

Study notes

Give Him the praise who hath done the work, which he doth with great might, even as a strong man that runneth a race, and so as no creature can stop, or hinder him; even so irresistible let thy people be. Such shall be the honour and such the joy of all that love God in sincerity, and they shall shine for ever as the sun in the kingdom of their father - John Wesley

Therefore praise was due to the Lord on this account, who works in the hearts of men both to will and to do, as in things spiritual and religious, so in things natural and civil. Yet let that love the Lord superlatively and sincerely, with all their heart and soul, and from love serve and fear him, and let the true friends of God be as bright and as glorious, and increase in light, lustre, and splendour, as that glorious luminary in midday, and be no more liable to be resisted and stopped by their enemies, and as much out of the reach of them. John Gill

Though our enemies are to be prayed for, God’s enemies, as such, are to be prayed against; and, when we see some of God’s enemies remarkably humbled and brought down, this is an encouragement to us to pray for the downfall of all the rest. Deborah was a prophetess, and this prayer was a prediction that in due time all God’s enemies shall perish, Psalm 92:9 . None ever hardened his heart against God and prospered. For the exaltation and comfort of all his friends. "But let those that love him, and heartily wish well to his kingdom among men, be as the sun when he goeth forth in his strength; let them shine so bright, appear so glorious in the eye of the world, cast such benign influences, be as much out of the reach of their enemies, who curse the rising sun because it scorches them; let them rejoice as a strong man to run a race, Psalm 19:5 Let them, as burning and shining lights in their places, dispel the mists of darkness, and shine with more and more lustre and power unto the perfect day.’’ Proverbs 4:18 . Such shall be the honour, and such the joy, of all that love God in sincerity, and for ever they shall shine as the sun in the firmament of our Father. The victory here celebrated with this song was of such happy consequence to Israel that for the best part of one age they enjoyed the peace which it opened the way to: The land had rest forty years, that is, so long it was from this victory to the raising up of Gideon. And well would it have been if, when the churches and the tribes had rest, they had been edified, and had walked in the fear of the Lord. - Matthew Henry

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