Thursday, March 22, 2018

A Study of Psalm Thirty Two
Verse Three

3 When I held my tongue, my bones consumed, or when I roared all the day,


Unless we first come to Christ, our sins convict daily. We might find joy and delights in the things of this temporal plain, but we can never find the peace and contentment that is found in the Gospel of Christ Jesus. Henceforth, let us avail ourselves of seeking His word daily. When we do this, we are well armed to face the day. Nothing, absolutely nothing can shake that peace of mind that we have from trusting in His wisdom. - R.P. Woitowitz Sr.

He describes his state of mind before he could bring himself to confess his sin. This man [King David], could not live sleek and smiling in his sin, but was so tortured by “remorseful pain” that his body bore the marks of his mental anguish, which, no doubt, “had marr’d his face, and marked it ere his time.” - JC Ellicott – Theologian

Such groaning that his very bones get old as if they were rotten, and his heart was heavy as if he wished to die. “For day and night thy hand was heavy upon me.” God was dealing with him; God with his hand pressing him heavily, forcing his sin home upon him, making him say, “My sin is ever before me.” Oh! the misery of sinning to a child of God. Do not dream that we can ever have any pleasure in sin; the worldling may, but the believer never can. To him it is a deadly viper, that will fill his veins with burning poison.” - Theodore Spurgeon

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