Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Word of God
But he replied and said, "It is written, 'It is not by bread alone that a man lives, except by every word that issues from the mouth of God
The Gospel According to Matthew 4:4
Edited & Prefaced by Doktor Riktor Von Zhades.

The Book of Psalms 9:8
For he shall judge the world in righteousness, and shall judge the people with equity.
Indeed shall He judge with fairness, and more importantly rule with that same above righteousness. Take note friends that our Lord will indeed return for His church. None shall escape the coming judgment.
To often in this world we hear the expression you can’t judge me, or don’t judge me. Well yes, there is some truth to those words, for we cannot do so without first being sure that our judgment is based on the righteousness of God’s word and we’re not living in a similar vein as the one we’re judgign. However, we can and are instructed to discern good from evil, and again that must be based on the Word of God and His moral authority. Recal friends that His ways are higher than our own, and His thoughts are so likewise. (Read Isaiah 55:8-9)
Therefore it is in our best interest to live our lives in a way that is pleasing to God. Will we often stumble, no doubt we will, but know you this brethren, when we do, that we can seek forgiveness, and start walking anew. - Dr. Riktor Von Zhades - Humble Servant of Christ
The word ‘world’, is, as Ben Melech well observes, a general name for all the countries of the habitable world; and so shows that it is the universal judgment that is here spoken of; and which will be carried on and finished with the utmost righteousness, and according to the strictest rules of justice and equity; and is therefore called the righteous judgment of God, ( Read Romans 2:5; Psalms 96:13, 98:9; Acts 17:31) The same [can also be said] with the former clause, unless by the ‘world’ there, should be meant the wicked of the world; and by the ‘people’ here, the people of God; to whom the righteous Judge will give the crown of righteousness.”(Read 2 Timothy 4:8) – John Gill 17th Century Theologian

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