of God
But he replied and
said, "It is written, 'It is not by bread alone that a man
lives, except by every word that issues from the mouth of God
The Gospel According
to Matthew 4:4
Book of Psalms 9:4, 7
Edited &
Prefaced by Doktor Riktor Von Zhades.
4 For thou hast
maintained my right and my cause: thou art set in the throne, and
judgest right
7 But the Lord shall
sit forever: he hath prepared his throne for judgment
Today’s commentary is from Matthew Henry’s study on the entire Bible
Today’s commentary is from Matthew Henry’s study on the entire Bible
“He gives to God
the glory of his righteousness, in his appearing on his behalf: “Thou
hast maintained my right and my cause, that is, my righteous cause;
when that came on, thou satest in the throne, judging right.”
Observe, God sits in the throne of judgment. To Him it belongs to
decide controversies, to determine appeals, to avenge the injured,
and to punish the injurious; for he has said, Vengeance is mine. We
are sure that the judgment of God is according to truth and that with
him there is no unrighteousness. Far be it from God that he should
pervert justice. If there seem to us to be some irregularity in the
present decisions of Providence, yet these, instead of shaking our
belief of God’s justice, may serve to strengthen our belief of the
judgment to come, which will set all to-rights. Whoever disown and
desert a just and injured cause, we may be sure that the righteous
God will maintain it and plead it with jealousy, and will never
suffer it to be run down.
He comforts himself
and others in God, and pleases himself with the thoughts of Him. With
the thoughts of his eternity. On this earth we see nothing durable,
even strong cities are buried in rubbish and forgotten; but the Lord
shall endure for ever. There is no change of his being; his felicity,
power, and perfection, are out of the reach of all the combined
forces of hell and earth; they may put an end to our liberties, our
privileges, our lives, but our God is still the same(Read Hebrews
13:8), and sits even upon the floods, unshaken, undisturbed, (Read
Psalm 29:10; 93:2). With the thoughts of his sovereignty both in
government and judgment: He has prepared his throne, has fixed it by
his infinite wisdom, has fixed it by his immutable counsel. It is the
great support and comfort of good people, when the power of the
church’s enemies is threatening and the posture of its affairs
melancholy and perplexed, that God now rules the world and will
shortly judge the world.” - Matthew Henry 17th
Century Theologian
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