Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Word of God
But he answering, said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread only, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.
The Gospel According to Matthew 4:4

Psalm 9:15-17, 19-20
Prefaced & Edited by Doktor Riktor Von Zhades

15 The heathen are sunken down in the pit that they made: in the net that they hid, is their foot taken 16 The Lord is known by executing judgment: the wicked is snared in the work of his own hands, Higgaion. Selah. 17 The wicked shall turn into hell, and all nations that forget God.

19 Up Lord: let not man prevail: let the heathen be judged in thy sight. 20 Put them in fear, O Lord, that the heathen may know that they are but men. Selah.


Let it be known to all men that our Creator wishes that none should perish (Read 2 Peter 3:9) but should return to the righteousness as imputed (Read Romans 4:24) to them through Christ.
As was written by the Prophet Ezekiel “Why die O house of Israel?” So then, it behooves us friends to make note, and take heed in this warning. God’s word does not change; there is no hidden agenda, as it has the same meanings it did when first spoken from His lips via the prophets and later His Son. - Dr. Riktor Von Zhades - Disciple of Christ

Lord, reckon with them; that is, let them be plainly called to an account for all the dishonour done to thee and the mischief done to thy people.” Impenitent sinners will be punished in God’s sight; and, when their day of grace is over, the bowels even of infinite mercy will not relent towards them, (Read Revelation 14:10). “Lord, frighten them: Put them in fear, O Lord! Strike a terror upon them, make them afraid with thy judgments.” God knows how to make the strongest and stoutest of men to tremble and to flee when none pursues, and thereby he makes them know and own that they are but men; they are but weak men, unable to stand before the holy God—sinful men, the guilt of whose consciences make them subject to alarms. Note, It is a very desirable thing, much for the glory of God and the peace and welfare of the universe, that men should know and consider themselves to be but men, depending creatures, mutable, mortal, and accountable” - Matthew Henry 17th Century Theologian

Friday, May 27, 2016

Word of God
But he answering, said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread only, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.
The Gospel According to Matthew 4:4

Psalm 9:11
Prefaced & Edited by Doktor Riktor Von Zhades

Sing praises to the Lord, which dwelleth in Zion: show the people his works.


When we take joy in the Lord, it is right and meet to sing to Him. Singing is an expression of that joy. Additionally, when we sing, let us sing of His greatness, His majesty, and the awesome work of His hands. Sing of His blessings upon us, sing of His faithfulness, sing of His love for us, and of all other facets of that our Creator possesses. Meditate also this day on Psalm 81:1-10
Dr. Riktor Von Zhades - Servant of Christ

What God does for the souls of men is not only to be declared among the people of God, (Read Psalms 66:16 ) ; but also among the people of the world, when a suitable opportunity offers; and especially in the public ministry of the word; partly that the name of God may be exalted, his grace, goodness, and mercy be displayed; and partly that it might be the means of the conversion of God's chosen ones among them, ( Psalms 96:2, 96:3; Isaiah 12:2-4 ); though it may be here his doings in providence are meant, his special providential care of his church and people, and his vengeance on their enemies, on Babylon; for upon the ruin of antichrist, the judgments of God, his providential dispensations towards his church and people, will be made manifest, and all nations will be called upon to fear and worship him; see (Read Jeremiah 50:28; Revelation15:3-4); the word which is here used signifies such deeds and actions as are the effects of thought and counsel, and which are purposely and industriously done; and whatsoever is done by the Lord, whether in a way of grace or providence, is done after the counsel of his own will; as he thought so it is, as he purposes so it comes to pass, and all things are done well and wisely, and answer the ends and designs of them.” - John Gill – Theologian

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Word of God
But he answering, said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread only, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.
The Gospel According to Matthew 4:4

Psalm 9:9-10
Prefaced & Edited by Doktor Riktor Von Zhades

9 The Lord also will be a refuge for the poor, a refuge in due time, even in affliction. 10 And they that know thy Name, will trust in thee: for thou, Lord, hast not failed them that seek thee.


Where can we turn except to He that created us? Who can we trust but the Lord God? (Read Psalm 73:25) Consider then this day friends all those that serve Him can be assured of His faithfulness to hear our prayers, our cries of sorrow or distress, and more importantly know that He will deliver relief in all our doings upon this temporal plain. Henceforth let us take comfort and be of good cheer (Read John 16:32-33; Acts 23:11) for our God sits upon His throne (Read Psalm 47:8), and watches over the affairs of all mankind.

The focus now centers on the people of the land, whom David calls the oppressed; the humble, the afflicted, the needy and the poor. These are the faithful worshipers of the Lord who have been persecuted, abused, and exploited by local rulers for being true to the Lord. (Read Psalm 10:17, 25:16, 40:17, 102:1; Zephaniah. 2:3; 3:12-13.) David praises the Lord for His faithfulness in caring for His sheep.

The first word means ‘a high safe place’ and the second ‘a stronghold.’ During his years of exile, David found the wilderness strongholds to be places of safety, but he knew that the Lord was the safest refuge (Read Psalm 46:1). The phrase ‘times of trouble’ means literally times of extremity (Read Psalm 10:1, 27:5, 37:39, 41:1, 73:5, 107:6, 13, 19, 26, 28). To ‘know God’s name’ or ‘love God’s name, means to trust Him and be saved (Read Psalm 5:11, 69:36, 91:14, 119:132; 1 Sam. 2:12). God forsook His own Son (Read Matthew 27:46) that He might never forsake His own people.” - Warren Wiersbe American Pastor and Theologian

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

An Eleventh Special Plea
by Doktor Riktor Von Zhades

Fellow countrymen, citizens of this nation, brethren; for too long have you turned from the Lord you God. You have removed Him from all your places, and have taken His holy words and made them to fit your transgressions. You have corrupted it to suit your own carnal desires. Likewise you have usurped His authority, and instead have placed your own, as if it were the ultimate in wisdom. You have destroyed justice, and perverted the very meaning of the word mercy. You argue among yourselves, nay saying all that disagree with verbal abuse and words of anger and hatred. The words that drip from your lips do not lift up, but instead debase your own brothers and sisters, they are like poison to all those that hear them as they speak from your mouths. Do you not know that what proceeds from your lips are truly the ideas that rest in your hardened hearts. Not only have you rejected your Creator, but you reject His wisdom, and righteousness, but you reject all that He has blessed you with, and also reject those with whom He had made a covenant. You curse them, and speak ill of them, and as such you curse and speak ill of your Creator.

Friends, the Lord beseeches you, turn from your ways; seek righteousness, justice, mercy, grace, and the wisdom of the Creator as handed down to you in His holy words.

Hear then the words of the Prophet Habakkuk and the Lord’s response as spoken to the Children of Israel; chapter 1:2-5

2 How long O HaShem, shall I cry out and You not listen, shall I shout to You “violence!” and You not save? 3 Why do You make me see iniquity, why do you look upon a wrong? Raiding and violence are before me. Strife continues and contention goes on. 4 That is why decision fails and justice never emerges: For the villain hedges in the just man. Therefore judgment [among man] emerges deformed. 5 Look among the nations, [says HaShem and] observe well, and be utterly astounded; for a work is being wrought in your days which you not believe it [even] if it were told”

Note: brackets indicate where this editor has placed words to aid in the understanding

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Word of God
But he replied and said, "It is written, 'It is not by bread alone that a man lives, except by every word that issues from the mouth of God
The Gospel According to Matthew 4:4
Edited & Prefaced by Doktor Riktor Von Zhades.

The Book of Psalms 9:8
For he shall judge the world in righteousness, and shall judge the people with equity.
Indeed shall He judge with fairness, and more importantly rule with that same above righteousness. Take note friends that our Lord will indeed return for His church. None shall escape the coming judgment.
To often in this world we hear the expression you can’t judge me, or don’t judge me. Well yes, there is some truth to those words, for we cannot do so without first being sure that our judgment is based on the righteousness of God’s word and we’re not living in a similar vein as the one we’re judgign. However, we can and are instructed to discern good from evil, and again that must be based on the Word of God and His moral authority. Recal friends that His ways are higher than our own, and His thoughts are so likewise. (Read Isaiah 55:8-9)
Therefore it is in our best interest to live our lives in a way that is pleasing to God. Will we often stumble, no doubt we will, but know you this brethren, when we do, that we can seek forgiveness, and start walking anew. - Dr. Riktor Von Zhades - Humble Servant of Christ
The word ‘world’, is, as Ben Melech well observes, a general name for all the countries of the habitable world; and so shows that it is the universal judgment that is here spoken of; and which will be carried on and finished with the utmost righteousness, and according to the strictest rules of justice and equity; and is therefore called the righteous judgment of God, ( Read Romans 2:5; Psalms 96:13, 98:9; Acts 17:31) The same [can also be said] with the former clause, unless by the ‘world’ there, should be meant the wicked of the world; and by the ‘people’ here, the people of God; to whom the righteous Judge will give the crown of righteousness.”(Read 2 Timothy 4:8) – John Gill 17th Century Theologian

Monday, May 23, 2016

Word of God
But he replied and said, "It is written, 'It is not by bread alone that a man lives, except by every word that issues from the mouth of God
The Gospel According to Matthew 4:4

The Book of Psalms 9:4, 7
Edited & Prefaced by Doktor Riktor Von Zhades.

4 For thou hast maintained my right and my cause: thou art set in the throne, and judgest right
7 But the Lord shall sit forever: he hath prepared his throne for judgment


Today’s commentary is from Matthew Henry’s study on the entire Bible

He gives to God the glory of his righteousness, in his appearing on his behalf: “Thou hast maintained my right and my cause, that is, my righteous cause; when that came on, thou satest in the throne, judging right.” Observe, God sits in the throne of judgment. To Him it belongs to decide controversies, to determine appeals, to avenge the injured, and to punish the injurious; for he has said, Vengeance is mine. We are sure that the judgment of God is according to truth and that with him there is no unrighteousness. Far be it from God that he should pervert justice. If there seem to us to be some irregularity in the present decisions of Providence, yet these, instead of shaking our belief of God’s justice, may serve to strengthen our belief of the judgment to come, which will set all to-rights. Whoever disown and desert a just and injured cause, we may be sure that the righteous God will maintain it and plead it with jealousy, and will never suffer it to be run down.

He comforts himself and others in God, and pleases himself with the thoughts of Him. With the thoughts of his eternity. On this earth we see nothing durable, even strong cities are buried in rubbish and forgotten; but the Lord shall endure for ever. There is no change of his being; his felicity, power, and perfection, are out of the reach of all the combined forces of hell and earth; they may put an end to our liberties, our privileges, our lives, but our God is still the same(Read Hebrews 13:8), and sits even upon the floods, unshaken, undisturbed, (Read Psalm 29:10; 93:2). With the thoughts of his sovereignty both in government and judgment: He has prepared his throne, has fixed it by his infinite wisdom, has fixed it by his immutable counsel. It is the great support and comfort of good people, when the power of the church’s enemies is threatening and the posture of its affairs melancholy and perplexed, that God now rules the world and will shortly judge the world.” - Matthew Henry 17th Century Theologian

Friday, May 20, 2016

Word of God
But he replied and said, "It is written, 'It is not by bread alone that a man lives, except by every word that issues from the mouth of God
The Gospel According to Matthew 4:4

The Book of Psalms 9:1-2

1 I will praise the Lord with my whole heart: I will speak of all thy marvelous works. 2 I will be glad, and rejoice in thee: I will sing praise to thy Name, O most High.


Once we learn to trust the Lord in our lives it becomes easier to give the sacrifice of praise. We have become immersed in His word and His word has become bread for our souls, and water for our spirits. Let us take that trust, and henceforth turn it into joy, no matter what the situation (Read James 1:2-8), for it is written; “Be still and know that I am God” (Read Psalm 46:10)
Dr. Riktor Von Zhades - Servant of Christ

David excites and engages himself to praise God for his mercies and the great things he had of late done for him and his government, (Read Psalm 9:1-2). Note: God expects suitable returns of praise from those for whom he has done marvelous works. If we would praise God acceptably, we must praise him in sincerity, with our hearts, and not only with our lips, and be lively and fervent in the duty, with our whole heart. When we give thanks for some one particular mercy we should take occasion thence to remember former mercies and so to show forth all his marvelous works. Holy joy is the life of thankful praise, as thankful praise is the language of holy joy: I will be glad and rejoice in thee. Whatever occurs to make us glad, our joy must pass through it, and terminate in God only: I will be glad and rejoice in thee, not in the gift so much as in the giver. Joy and praise are properly expressed by singing psalms. When God has shown himself to be above the proud enemies of the church we must take occasion thence to give glory to him as the Most High. The triumphs of the Redeemer ought to be the triumphs of the redeemed; (Read Revelation 12:10, 15:3-4, 19:5) - Matthew Henry 17th Century Theologian

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Word of God
But he replied and said, "It is written, 'It is not by bread alone that a man lives, except by every word that issues from the mouth of God
The Gospel According to Matthew 4:4

The Book of Psalms 8:6

6 Thou hast made him to have dominion in the works of thine hands, thou hast put all things under his feet


During the last few readings we have decidedly learned how our Creator has, through His hands, made us to be a bit lower than Himself. As such, He has given us control over His other creations that we might derive from it the blessings that He bestows upon us. Verses 7-8 in the above psalm goes on to list some of them, and should be read in order to further understand the gift of stewardship which we have received. - Dr. Riktor Von Zhades - Disciple of Christ

His charter, by which he holds this royalty, bears equal date with his creation (Read Genesis. 1:28) and was renewed after the flood, (Read Genesis 9:2. God has put all things under man’s feet, that he might serve himself, not only of the labour, but of the productions and lives of the inferior creatures; they are all delivered into his hand, nay, they are all put under his feet. He specifies some of the inferior animals (See verses 7-8), not only sheep and oxen, which man takes care of and provides for, but the beasts of the field, as well as those of the flood, yea, and those creatures which are most at a distance from man, as the fowl of the air, yea, and the fish of the sea, which live in another element and pass unseen through the paths of the seas. Man has arts to take these; though many of them are much stronger and many of them much swifter than he, yet, one way or other, he is too hard for them, Read James. 3:7). Every kind of beasts, and birds, and things in the sea, is tamed, and has been tamed. He has likewise liberty to use them as he has occasion. Rise Peter, kill and eat, (Read Acts 10:13). Every time we partake of fish or of fowl we realize this dominion which man has over the works of God’s hands; and this is a reason for our subjection to God, our chief Lord, and to his dominion over us.

In singing this and praying it [this psalm] over, though we must not forget to acknowledge, with suitable affections, God’s common favours to mankind, particularly in the serviceableness of the inferior creatures to us, yet we must especially set ourselves to give glory to our Lord Jesus, by confessing that he is Lord, submitting to him as our Lord, and waiting till we see all things put under him and all his enemies made his footstool.”

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Word of God
But he replied and said, "It is written, 'It is not by bread alone that a man lives, except by every word that issues from the mouth of God
The Gospel According to Matthew 4:4

The Book of Psalms 8:4-5

4 What is man, say I, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man that thou visitest him? 5 For thou hast made him a little lower than God, and crowned him with glory and worship.


In a more modern Hebrew translation (See JPS Translation), God is replaced with the word “devine” with the “d” being in capitals. It does make a bit more sense in so far as, that since God’s kingdom is ordered in the very angels themselves are subservient to man, instead of man being lower than angels. Verse five then is one of those verses, wherein the translation may or may not have been as accurate as first intended, or, perhaps, due to changes in languages, has been handed down with slightly different meanings. Below is a current Orthodox Jewish Translation that further indicates what may be the original intent:

For Thou hast made him a little lower than Elohim, (Read Genesis 1:1, 27), and hast crowned him with kavod and hadar.”

The word Elohime is the plural of El (or possibly of Eloah and is the first name for God in the Tanakh. The name Elohim is unique to Hebraic thinking: it occurs only in Hebrew and in no other ancient Semitic language. The masculine plural ending does not mean “gods” when referring to the true God of Israel, since the name is mainly used with singular verb forms and with adjectives and pronouns in the singular (Read example: Genesis 1:26). However, considering the Hashalush HaKadosh (Trinity), the form indeed allows for the plurality within the Godhead.”
Source website Hebrew4Christians.

In any event, the point is made by the psalmist that our Creator, has placed man directly under His own authority, and is second to no other of His creations. Likewise recall if you will in our studies of a couple days past, we made note of the same point, that God is our head, and all of our own authority is derived from Him, we are in no wise in servitude to any other, since as we shall see as we continue in Psalm Eight that ALL things are placed under our hands.

All that our Creator requires of us, is to acknowledge and worship Him, thereby resulting in all the blessings and resources of Heaven being bestowed upon us. If that is not a loving, and righteous God, it cannot be otherwise shown to be untrue. - Doktor Riktor Von Zhades - Disciple of Christ.

Lord, what is man (enosh, sinful, weak, miserable man, a creature so forgetful of thee and his duty to thee) that thou art thus mindful of him, that thou takest cognizance of him and of his actions and affairs, that in the making of the world thou hadst a respect to him! What is the son of man, that thou visitest him, that thou not only feedest him and clothest him, protectest him and providest for him, in common with other creatures, but visited him as one friend visits another, art pleased to converse with him and concern thyself for him! What is man—(so mean a creature), that he should be thus honoured—(so sinful a creature), that he should be thus countenanced and favoured!’’ Now this refers to mankind in general. Though man is a worm, and the son of man is a worm (Read Job. 25:6 ), yet God puts a respect upon him, and shows him abundance of kindness; man is, above all the creatures in this lower world, the favourite and darling of Providence. “

Postscript and Addendum:
We can also read in an Ancient Aramaic to English translation of the Targum, wherein it contians the word “Angels”: So some food for thought as the expression goes, that perhaps what is meant, or the intent is mean that man is currently in his earthen vessel, and as such would be lower than that angels, but his spirit, upon his demise will someday be released and resurrected in a vessel of glory, and will then take his rightful place above the angels.

Likewise, one may meditate on the words of our Savior Jesus Christ, when asked about His authority that He said that His words are from the Creator, and as such His authority emanates from Him. Therefore, since we are now joint heirs in His Kingdom (Read Romans 8:16-17), it would stand to reason, that all authority given unto us, is in all ways also by that same Authority.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Word of God
But he replied and said, "It is written, 'It is not by bread alone that a man lives, except by every word that issues from the mouth of God
The Gospel According to Matthew 4:4

The Book of Psalms 8:1, 3

1 O Lord our Lord, how excellent is thy Name in all the world! which hast set thy glory above the heavens.

3 When I behold thine heavens, even the works of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained,


How often in the mornings or evenings do we look up into the heavens and are awed by the handiwork of our Creator? As it written He has set all it’s components in motion and have fixed their places. Now consider this; since He has done so and is in control of all it, is it not likewise so that He can set us correctly on the paths of righteousness? His hands guide all things, for all things were made by Him (Read John 1:1-3).

Friends, if God can create such wonders, He can also create in us a heart of flesh, and not of stone. Turn to Him and learn of the wonders of all His creations, including His most wondrous that being us. Doktor Riktor Von Zhades – Servant of Christ

In - Not only in Israel, but among all nations. Which shews that this psalm speaks of the Messiah, and the times of the New Testament Heavens - Where thy throne of glory is established, where the blessed angels celebrate thy praises, where Christ sitteth at thy right hand in glorious majesty, from whence he poureth down excellent gifts upon babes.” - John Wesley 18th Century Theologian

Monday, May 16, 2016

Word of God
But he replied and said, "It is written, 'It is not by bread alone that a man lives, except by every word that issues from the mouth of God
The Gospel According to Matthew 4:4

The Book of Psalms 7:17

I will praise the Lord according to his righteousness, and will sing praise to the Name of the Lord most high.


What more can be said? Therein above is the conclusion of all of the psalmist’s words for this psalm. That in life, good or bad, we above all things should give praise to our Creator. His purpose for is many fold, but above all things it is to give Him adoration and love, just as he gave us love. He raises us up to be above all of His other creations, and we are servitude to none other. Even the angels are below us in the order of His Kingdom. So in all things, let us praise God, and count each day as joyful. (Read James 1:2-5).

The psalm closes with David extolling the Lord, not for the fact that sinners have been judged, but because the righteousness of God has been magnified. The fact that people are ensnared by their own sins and ultimately judged brings no joy to the hearts of believers, but the fact that God is glorified and His righteousness exalted does cause us to praise Him. God judges sin because He is holy and His decrees are just “Even so, Father; for so it seemed good in thy sight” (Read Luke 10:21). Finally, keep in mind that God gave His own Son to die for the sins of the world, so that He might uphold His own holy law and at the same time offer His mercy and grace to all who will believe. People may not like the way God runs His universe, but, as Dorothy Sayers expressed it, “for whatever reason God chose to make man as he is–limited and suffering and subject to sorrows and death–He had the honesty and the courage to take His own medicine.” Warren Wiersbe - American Pastor and Theologian.

Saturday, May 14, 2016

A Ninth Special Plea
by Doktor Riktor Von Zhades


Over the past few weeks this editor had written to you the reader beseeching you to turn, as one people, as a nation, and repent. We’ve read the words of the prophets of old, and made note on how our Creator spoke to the Children of Israel.

Friends now herein is the good news, the benefits of that turning, of the blessings of the hands of Providence and how they can once again be bestowed upon us. Hear again the words of Micah Chapter 4 verses 1-8 and Chapter 5 verses 2-4

1 But in the last days it shall come to pass, that the mountain of the House of the Lord shall be prepared in the top of the mountains, and it shall be exalted above the hills, and people shall flow unto it. 2 Yea, many nations shall come and say, Come, and let us go up to the Mountain of the Lord, and to the House of the God of Jacob, and he will teach us his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for the Law shall go forth of Zion, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem. 3 And yeshall judge among many people, and rebuke mighty nations afar off, and they shall break their swords into mattocks, and their spears into scythes: nation shall not lift up a sword against nation, neither shall they learn to fight anymore. 4 But they shall sit every man under his vine, and under his figtree, and none shall make them afraid: for the mouth of the Lord of hosts hath spoken it. 5 For all people will walk everyone in the name of his god, and we will walk in the Name of the Lord our God, forever and ever. 6 At the same day saith the Lord, will I gather her that halteth, and I will gather her that is cast out, and her that I have afflicted. 7 And I will make her that halteth, a remnant, and her that was cast far off, a mighty nation, and the Lord shall reign over them in Mount Zion, from henceforth even forever. 8 And thou, O tower of the flock, the stronghold of the daughter Zion, unto thee shall it come, even the first dominion, and kingdom shall come to the daughter Jerusalem.”

2 And thou Bethlehem Ephrathah art little to be among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me, that shall be the ruler in Israel: whose goings forth have been from the beginning and from everlasting. 3 Therefore will he give them up, until the time that she which shall bear, shall travail: then the remnant of their brethren shall return unto the children of Israel. 4 And he shall stand, and feed in the strength of the Lord, and in the majesty of the Name of the Lord his God, and they shall dwell still: for now shall he be magnified unto the ends of the world.”

Friends, take this word to your neighbors, your coworkers, be not ashamed, and speak with authority of the greatness of the Creator.

Doktor Riktor Von Zhades - Devoted disciple of Christ our Redeemer.