Friday, January 22, 2016

Word of God
But he replied and said, "It is written, 'It is not by bread alone that a man lives, except by every word that issues from the mouth of God
The Gospel According to Matthew 4:4

The Gospel According to Mark 5:6
All commentary and study notes are prefaced/edited by Dr. Riktor Von Zhades

And when he saw Jesus afar off, he ran, and worshipped him


We read about the man who was possessed by demons who had named themselves “legion” for there were many within this poor man. Now, we do not know, but one might suspect, that in a single moment of clarity (as revealed by the Holy Spirit for such is the strength and power of God) this man knew that Jesus was the Christ, and ran to fall down at his feet and worship Him, begging Him to be relieved of those that tormented him from within. - Dr. RVZ

“He usually ran upon others with rage, but he ran to Christ with reverence. That was done by an invisible hand of Christ, which could not be done with chains and fetters; his fury was all on a sudden curbed. Even the devil, in this poor creature, was forced to tremble before Christ, and bow to him: or, rather, the poor man came, and worshiped Christ, in a sense of the need he had of his help, the power of Satan in and over him being, for this instant, suspended.” - Matthew Henry - Theologian

He made all imaginable haste to him; and when he came up to him, fell down at his feet before him, acknowledging his superiority and power, whom no chains nor fetters could bind, nor any man tame; nor durst any man pass that way, for fear of him: and yet, upon sight of Christ, without a word spoken to him, he runs and prostrates himself before him; who, at the sight of Christ, might have his senses for the present restored, and a knowledge of Christ given: to whom he ran speedily, and threw himself at his feet, hoping for relief from him. [Likwise it is] an emblem of a poor awakened sinner, having a distant sight of Christ, who, upon it, makes haste unto him, and prostrates itself before him, believing he is able, if willing, to save him from the power of Satan, the evil of sin, and from eternal ruin and damnation.” - John Gill - Theologian

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