of God
does not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth from
the mouth of God
14 But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned, and which are committed unto thee, knowing of whom thou hast learned them: 15 And that thou hast known the holy Scriptures of a child, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation, through the faith which is in Christ Jesus.
Timothy 3;14-15
we’ve come to the knowledge of the truth, that is to say the Gospel
of Christ, it behooves us to hold on with tenacity and to not let go
of what we have learned. Indeed we are to go forward and continue to
learn. Each word from Scripture is given unto us for our own
betterment and by extension the betterment of man. Recall if you will
that the word is better than all the wisdom as put forth by man. Yea,
it is sweeter than honey, and purer than the most refined of gold.
For what gain we if we prefer the former over the latter? Naught but
the riches of this world, that decay, and pass away. For the wisdom
of this world can be likened to the body of man, that arises at birth
fresh and full of enticements, but in the end dies and goes to
corruption in the grave. It is as is written a vapor that vanishes in
the morning sun. But the latter, which is the word of God is truth
and the bringer of life eternal, wherein there is no moth to destroy
the garments of imputed righteousness which God has provided for and
given unto us by the sacrifice of His only Son Christ Jesus.
us therefore seek all things that come from above that all might be
well with us, and that would equip and allow us to preach this truth
and good news to all people. Let us endeavor to bring light to the
darkness that it will shine upon the prince of this world that is the
Devil and his lies, and those that would perpetuate these lies.
Seeking as prey all those that would cross his path that he would
deny them that light, and keep them blinded by the darkness.
faith which is in Christ Jesus: wisdom to salvation lies not in the
knowledge of the law, nor in the works of it, at least not in a
trust and confidence in them for salvation; for by them there is no
justification before God, nor acceptance with him, nor salvation: but
true wisdom to salvation lies in faith, which is a spiritual
knowledge of Christ, and a holy confidence in him; and that salvation
which the Scriptures make men wise unto, is received and enjoyed
through that faith, which has Christ for its author and object; which
comes from him, and centres in him, and is a looking to him for
eternal life.” - John Gill
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