Sunday, October 2, 2011

The Sunday Sermon

America, Don't Be Ashamed of Jesus! (Part 2)

by Walter A. Maier

“For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth, to the Jew first, and also to the Grecian.”

The Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Romans Chapter 1 Verse 16

“But the others of love, knowing that I am set for the defense of the Gospel.”

The Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Philippians Chapter 1 Verse 17


Now, with all the pardon and perfect peace Jesus can speak into sorrowing, aching hearts; with all the light His Gospel offers for life's darkest hours, should we not expect that every person on earth would accept His message as the highest good and the greatest blessing? Did you ever hear of anyone being ashamed of the friend who rescued him from death? Have you ever met aBlack man whose heart is not moved by gratitude toward Abraham Lincoln, a true American who does not honor Washington's heroic work? Have you ever read of a nation which does not pay tribute to those who fought and fell in its defense? Why, then, with Christ offering deliverance from death's grip, sin's slavery, hell's tyranny, do millions blasphemously reject Him? (Psalm 95:10; Jeremiah 4:22;) How does it happen that some theological seminaries in the United States have not one man on their faculties who believes in the inerrancy of the Scriptures or in Jesus' atoning death and life-giving resurrection? ( Isaiah 60:12; Proverbs 29:18; Hosea 4:6;)

How can we account for the fact that Christ is pushed aside in many modern churches which ban all hymns concerning the cross and the blood? Why do we sometimes behold, even in Gospel churches, lukewarmness and indifference toward the Savior? Why does a nation as wealthy as ours rob God? If our people gave only 10 per cent of their income for religious purposes, the churches would have $4,000,000,000 annually for the extension of the Kingdom. Actually they receive only a fraction of that amount. (Genesis 14:17-20; 2 Chronicles 31:5; Luke 20:22-25;) Why is it that a country founded by Christian pioneers, settled by Christian colonists, developed by Christian frontiersmen, richly endowed as no other nation in any other part of the world or in any previous age, now has more unbelievers, more public enemies of Jesus, than ever before? ( Psalm 69:4; John 7:7; John 15:18;)

Ask the large group of those who, despite the appeals of this "Go to Church Sunday," have kept their distance from every place of worship, why they are ashamed of the Gospel, and they will answer, "Christianity has failed because it has not prevented this World War." Nothing could be more unfair than to cry out, "The churches have been tried and failed in this crisis." Rather should we admit that our age suffers its sorrows because it has failed to try Christianity. (a) The postman recently brought a letter with one-cent postage due to a Duxbury, Massachusetts man, who refused to accept it and pay the penny. Back it went to the Dead Letter Office, where it was found to contain $450. Does any one charge the United States postal system with failure when the fault lay entirely with the man who would not accept the letter? Why, then, blame Jesus for the war when multitudes within our boundaries spurn the free offer of His help and mention His name only in foul-mouthed profanity? Recently we read that the chaplain of the United States Senate died because a druggist had mistakenly compounded a prescription with fifteen times as much narcotic as the doctor had ordered. Does any sound-minded person hold the doctor responsible for that pharmacist's mistake? (b)

Is it fair, then, to charge the Gospel with failure in this world of war, when many, ordained to preach the whole Bible, offer an erroneous substitute, a destructive counterfeit? If Jesus' Gospel were universally accepted and His teachings followed, there would have been no Second World War. But because men hate Christ and love sin; because selfishness, carnal ambition, avarice, lust, love of power, and worship of money make them trample the rights of their fellow men, the world has been turned into bloody shambles. ( Job 21:14-15; Malachi 3:14-15;) Jesus pleads, "Love one another!" (John 14:15, 23; Mark 12:29-34; Matthew 6:24;) but willful unbelievers insist, "Hate one another!" Jesus gave the Golden Rule, but dictators lay down the rule of steel and blood and iron.

Ask philosophical minds why they are ashamed of Christ, and they will demand in counter-question: "How do you expect us to accept a religion in which a God permits war's terrors and agony? How can we harmonize the existence of pain and evil with the Christian faith?" Some of you likewise refuse to acclaim Jesus your Redeemer because you think that the Lord has dealt too cruelly with you. A dear one has been snatched from your side, and in stubborn resentment you demand: "How can there be a God if I must suffer this way? How can there be a Savior if I am plunged into this agony?" (c) (Acts 5:38; Psalm 22:6-8;)You have tried to settle these issues apart from the Word. If only you would realize that Jesus has the key (John 14:6;) and explanation of human suffering! Those who come to Him in faith know that each affliction is laid upon them, as the Lord's redeemed, by divine mercy instead of His anger, that trials which seem beyond analysis are the Almighty's way of purifying faith and strengthening trust. ( Malachi 3:3; Titus 2:14;)

Again, ask proud enemies of our faith why they are hostile to the Gospel, and they will sneer: "Well, hasn't Christianity been rejected by outstanding scientists? Isn't it true that all great thinkers have discarded the Bible?" ( 1 Corinthians 1:18-25; 1 Corinthians 2:14; 1 Corinthians 3:19;) To both questions we answer with an emphatic "No!" Not only have leaders in every branch of learning been humble followers of the Lord Jesus, but today, during the heyday of unbelief and atheism, recognized teachers and intellectual leaders have come out strongly for Christ. Listen to these testimonies offered by men on the faculties of great American universities: (d) From the University of Wisconsin: "In the Bible we find , . . our Savior, and eternal life through faith in Him"! From Ohio State University: "The Bible has shown me my sin with its terrifying consequences; but it has also brought me the direct comfort of the Savior who died for me on Calvary"! From Michigan State College: "The Bible reveals Christ and His vicarious atonement for the sins of mankind"! From Johns Hopkins University: "I believe that . . . the Son of God Himself came down to earth and by the shedding of His blood on the cross paid the infinite penalty of the guilt of the whole world"! From Temple University: "I have praised the Lord that as a physician He has given me the privilege of testifying to Christs saving grace"! From the University of Illinois: "ln Jesus Christ I have found my Savior and Lord, my Helper along the way. Without Him life would be empty and worthless, the load of sin ... still separating me from God"!

If these and hundreds of other present-day scientists, far from being ashamed of Christ, acclaim Him the Savior, should you refuse to accept Him? Many who attack the Bible have never reverently studied His Word, and many who assail His Word are led by blind and willful ignorance. ( Luke 6:39;) Popular magazines this month bring the confession of a physician under the title "I Was an Atheist Until" -until that doctor took time to examine the human body and study the miracles which led him to conclude that there must be a divine Creator. If you who place question marks behind the glorious truth of the Savior's atonement would only stop locking the Holy Spirit out of your heart and take time to consider the "many infallible proofs" of His forgiving, sustaining love, you, too, could write a glorious chapter in your life's story entitled, "1 Was an Atheist-Until" -until I studied God's Word and the evidences of Christianity." Do not be troubled by the fact that men with headline names often attempt to discredit our Lord! I remind you that before Pearl Harbor some of the enemies of the faith publicly urged our people under no circumstances to take arms in behalf of this nation. Of course, they have changed their advice now; but the point I wish to emphasize is this: if these false prophets in academic garb could be so utterly mistaken in matters of human life, dare you follow them in their poisonous, destructive teachings concerning the heavenly life? Rather and I am pleading particularly with you college men and women join those scientific leaders who with inner joy and spiritual conviction exulted, "I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ!"

As men reject Jesus, they advance one excuse after the other. Many of their claims are dishonest; all of them are mistaken and destructive. Behind every refusal to accept the Gospel lies the love of sin, the unwillingness to serve God, the stubborn pride that will not repent. Christ is spurned and the appeal of His cross set aside because men love evil; because they want to serve the flesh; ( Proverbs 16:30; Micah 2:1;) because the Savior is too lowly and humble, the Bible too stern and unbending in its denunciation of all wrong. Jesus says, lf any man will come after Me, let him . . . take up his cross"; He insists, The "first shall be last"; He warns, "Ye must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God;" and since men prefer greatness, power, glamour, money, applause, the glorious Gospel of grace is contemptuously cast away. The consequence of that rejection, Jesus declares, is this: "Whosoever shall deny Me before men, him will I also deny before My Father which is in heaven" "He that believeth not shall be damned." ( Matthew 10:13;)

Thus once more I have laid before you this inescapable issue: Are you ashamed of Christ, or do you glory in His Gospel? I know that across the United States and Canada millions of you cling to the Savior as your only Salvation. God grant you continued loyalty and the determination to remain faithful always and everywhere! The Lord give you the courage to speak up in clarion voices, rebuking the enemies of the Cross, but testifying valiantly to the hope that is in you!

Continue to say I AM NOT ASHAMED!

(a) Editor’s thought - So much of the worlds problems are blamed on religion, much of which is aimed at Christianity. Perhaps those that point the fingers should be looking at the flawed nature of men, than trying to find flaws in their creator.

(b) Editor’s note - Sadly in this nation at this point in time yes people would extend the mistake to the doctor, whom they’ll reason should not have written said prescription.

(c) Suggested additional reading - Job 6 and Job 7

(d) Editor’s thought - Sadly, I feel that the pendulum as swung back the other way again, and we now seeing more denial by academics, philosophers, and the intelligensia as a whole than at anytime in history.

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