Sunday, July 17, 2011

The Sunday Sermon

Striking While the Iron is Hot
Author Unknown (see note a below)

“Soon you'll be ashes or bones. A mere name at most—and even that is just a sound, an echo. The things we want in life are empty, stale, trivial” - Marcus Aurelius Meditations Book 5 Verse 33

“Do not act as if thou wert going to live ten thousand years. Death hangs over thee. While thou livest, while it is in thy power, be good.” - Marcus Aurelius Meditations Book 4 Verse 17

And so, as Paul the Apostle, once said that we are to meditate on all things that are of good report (Philippians 4:8;), I have taken the liberty to quote from a man, whose insight into human nature was quite extensive. His name was, as you have noted above, was Marcus Aurelius, who was a Roman Emperor from 161 - 180 AD. His book Meditations is considered by many people to be a great work of philosophical musings from the perspective a great general as well as a great ruler and leader. (see note b below)

The title of this small essay is: Strike While the Iron is Hot. What does this mean? To strike something is of course open to many definitions. It could mean to physically assault someone. It also is used in relation to making coins. One has likewise heard the term to “strike a pose”. However in this case, I believe it is meant in such a way as to brand an object. Obviously one cannot brand whilst an iron is cold, it must be heated and used quickly, hence the term.

The Christian Duty

You are all probably asking yourselves “Well good sir, where is this all going?” Indeed I have digressed twice, but it was by design to bring the hearer and reader to the meat of this piece. Which is, we, as Christians are mortal, there is no escaping this fact and we have always been so since the original sin. ( Genesis 3:1-6;) This means quite simply we have a limited time on this earth to do things that are according to His will. (Psalm 102:11; James 4:14;) For the Christian the main goal, while living in this temporal plane, is to spread the news of Gods grace and His plan of salvation to a world that whose people either know not, nor desire to know not His Son Christ Jesus. There is only one way that this can be achieved; The disciple of Christ must act in both word and deed. ( Ephesians 4:1; Philippians 1:27; Colossians 1:10; 2 Thessalonians 1:11;)

Acting in Word

Acting in Word, sounds easy no? Yet each day as we speak, do we really think upon what we say, or do we blurt out words and act more the fool than the Christian. Abraham Lincoln is quoted as saying;

“Better to be silent and thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt”

So, let us, each of us, think before speaking. Remembering to endeavor to edify the listener with our words. I would add here that we can relate much of our speech to scripture. Give yourself over to speaking in the positive of all people. While we may speak critically on certain issues or of people to whom the issue is related, let us refrain from doing so with malice. ( 1 Peter 3:10; 1 Peter 2:1; Titus 3:3;) When entering into agreements let us honor our words. ( James 5:12;)

Acting in Deed

Secondly, we must walk our lives in the Christian manner with Godly ways. This is to say, that we conduct our affairs in life in a way that would reflect best on our Creator. When we show others that our demeanor is one of peacefulness, gentleness, kindness, and self-control, we show the love of Christ to those that do not yet have it. For it is He that instructs us to walk in this way. Let us show our works to the world. They are the works of a loving Saviour and a loving Creator. I so pray that we might also temper them with justice and mercy. ( Matthew 5:16; Ephesians 2:10; 1 Timothy 6:18; 2 Timothy 3:16; Titus 2:7;)

The Time is Now

Indeed so! Although God has said to us that no man knows the time of His second coming (Matthew 24:36; Mark 13:32;) it is up to us, in fact it behooves to realize that it is our Christian duty, to bring the Gospel to all we meet as if each day were the last day. Be not ashamed, nor be not afraid. Speak with authority, yet mix your authority with gentleness. ( Psalm 34:5; Psalm 119:80; Romans 1:16; John 14:1 Joshua 1:9;)

Some or even many of you may wonder and ask; “Well sir, all well and good for you. You’re in the bully pulpit. You’re up there speaking. You go from town to town preaching the Word. But where is my mission field? I just can’t drop everything and go run around the countryside.” Friends, look around you each day when you arise, and after putting yourself in order, both physically and spiritually, make note that your mission field is a lost world. It is on the street where you live. It is in the place where you work. It is marketplace where you go to purchase foods and goods. It is the neighbor next door. It is the man without hope or home. It is the hospital wherein you visit the ill and infirm. It is in the prison wherein those that have committed crimes are housed. The field of harvest is vast my friends, you need only to look around and decide which way to walk to reap. ( John 4:35; Psalm 35:13; Matthew 25:35-40; Matthew 13:38;) It is large, and in my own humble opinion, growing ever larger and growing rather quickly.

I leave you with these words, for they have served me well. They have always provided me with an opportunity to speak, yes even to brag, about my Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ; STRIKE WHILE THE IRON IS HOT!

Philippians 4:8;
Genesis 3:1-6;
Psalm 102:11;
James 4:14;
Ephesians 4:1;
Philippians 1:27;
Colossians 1:10;
2 Thessalonians 1:11;
1 Peter 3:10;
1 Peter 2:1;
Titus 3:3;
James 5:12;
Matthew 5:16;
Ephesians 2:10;
1 Timothy 6:18;
Psalm 34:5;
Psalm 119:80;
Romans 1:16;
John 14:1;
Joshua 1:9;
Titus 2:7;
John 4:35;
Psalm 35:13;
Matthew 25:35-40;
Matthew 13:38;

(a) Editor’s note - Taken from a transcript of a sermon. From where and by whom was not specified.
(b) Editor’s note - For those of you who wish to learn more of him click here for the link - RPW Sr.

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