Wednesday, September 23, 2020

James 2:8 - Geneva Bible

8 But if ye fulfill the royal Law according to the Scripture, which saith, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself, ye do well.

Lord go before me today and conquer all that stand in my way that I might understand Your word.


The Apostle James herein doth sayest, that to neglect one point of the law is to be guilty of all the law. However, if we love our neighbors, despite rank or stature, we do well and please God. Therefore it is our duty to help ALL peoples are in need. RP. Woitowitz

Which is the law of love to men, without distinction of rich and poor, high and low, bond and free; and is so called, because it is the law of the King of kings; hence the Syriac version renders it, "the law of God", it is the law of Christ, who is King of saints; and because it is a principal law, the chief of laws; as love to God is the sum of the first and great commandment in the law, and may be called the king of laws; so love to the neighbor is the second and next unto it, and may very well bear the name of the queen of laws, and so has royalty in it; and indeed this last is said to be the fulfilling of the law, ( Romans 13:8-10 ) ( Galatians 5:14 ) and it is also submitted to, and obeyed by such who are made kings and priests to God; and that in a royal manner, with a princely spirit, willingly, and with all readiness. Which is to be understood of every nation, without distinction of Jews and Gentiles, and of persons of every state and condition, rich and poor, without any difference: and when this law is so observed, it is commendable; that which is right, and which is a man's duty to do; this, when done from right principles, and to a right end, is a good work, and is doing a good work well.” John Gill

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