Tuesday, May 8, 2018

A Study of Psalm Thirty Four
Verse Twenty One

21 But malice shall slay the wicked: and they that hate the righteous, shall perish.
GNV Translation

21 Evil shall kill the wicked; And they that hate the righteous shall be held guilty.
JPS Tanakh Translation

Above, we read of the fate of those that would do evil. In particular to those that would do so to those that God's own. We as Christians are taught to not repay evil for evil but to repay evil with good. However, those of this temporal plane that would do otherwise, shall be consumed by the deeds of their own making. Likewise in the day of judgment, shall they be held accountable, and judged as guilty for their actions.

Friends, take heed of this warning; seek for yourselves the Lord. He is patient and wishing that none should perish on the last day and that all peoples come to repentance. (Read 2 Peter 3:9). Do good for evil, think or speak no ill of anyone. Maintain, within yourselves a meek and humble spirit, for in so doing we heap coals of fire upon the wicked. (Read Proverbs 25:22). These coals, are not for harm, but for purification. That is to say, for them to see the error of their wickedness, and to come to Him that can save their souls.

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