Monday, April 30, 2018

A Study of Psalm Thirty Four
Verse Sixteen

16 But the face of the Lord is against them that do evil, to cut off their remembrance from the earth.

Related Scripture:


What can be said? It is our contention herein above that the choice comes down to either believing and being accounted for righteousness via the blood of Christ, or you do not, and are counted amongst the evil doers.

“‘The face of YHWH is against those who do evil, to cut off the remembrance of them from the earth.’ But there is no comfort in his words for the selfish, the wrongdoer and the unbelieving. For in their case ‘the face of YHWH’ is against them. In their case He is active to bring them into judgment. Instead of lives which count and live on in their reputation and in men’s memories, their lives will be cut off and forgotten. They will have done nothing worth remembering. If we would build a monument, let it by lives whose effects will echo down the ages, because their influence goes on and on in those who have been affected.”

Sunday, April 29, 2018

A Discourse On Meekness and Quietness of Spirit
  Abridged from the Rev. Matthew Henry
Edited by R.P. Woitowitz Sr.
A meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price. 1 Peter 3:4
Published by the American Tract Society



[Most] all [people], are intent on gain. It is for this that they break their sleep and spend their spirits. Now it will be hard to convince such, that really there is more to be obtained by meekness and quietness of spirit, than by all this tumult and confusion. They readily believe that "in all labor there is profit:" but let God himself tell them, "In returning and rest shall ye be saved; in quietness and in confidence shall be your strength;" they will not take his word for it, but they say, "No; for we will flee upon horses, and we will ride upon the swift."[Read Psalm 20:7; Isaiah 31:1]. He that came from heaven to bless us has entailed a special blessing upon the grace of meekness: "Blessed are the meek;" and his saying they are blessed makes them so; for those whom he blesses are blessed indeed—blessed, and they shall be blessed. Meekness is gainful and profitable, as it is,


The meek "shall inherit the earth:" (See Psalm. 37:11), and is almost the only express promise of temporal good things in all the New Testament. Not that the meek shall be put off with the earth only, then they would not be truly blessed; but they shall have that as an earnest of something more. Some read it, They shall inherit the land, that is, the land of Canaan, which was not only a type and figure, but to them that believed, a token and pledge of the heavenly inheritance. So that "a double Canaan," as Dr. Hammond observes, "is thought little enough for the meek man; the same felicity in a manner attending him which we believe of Adam, if he had not fallen—a life in paradise, and thence a transplantation to heaven." Meekness is a branch of godliness which has, more than other branches of it, "the promise of the life that now is." They shall inherit the earth; the sweetest and surest tenure is that by inheritance, which is founded in sonship: that which comes by descent to the heir, the law attributes to the act of God, who has a special hand in providing for the meek. They are his children; and if children, then heirs. [Read Romans 8:16-17] .It is not always the largest proportion of this world's goods that falls to the meek man's share; but whether he has more or less, he has it by the best title—not by a common, but a covenant right: he holds in Capite, (a)  in Christ our head, an honorable tenure.

If he has but a little, he has it from God's love, and with his blessing, and behold all things are clean and comfortable to him. [Read Acts 10:13]. The wise man has determined it: "Better is a dry morsel, and quietness therewith, than a house full of sacrifices with strife. [Read Proverbs 17:1]. Better is a dinner of herbs where love is, than a stalled ox and hatred therewith." Be the fare ever so scanty, he that has rule over his own spirit, knows how to make the best of it, and how to suck honey out of the rock, and oil out of the flinty rock. Blessed are the meek; for they shall wield the earth: so old Wickliff's translation reads it—as I remember it is quoted in the Book of Martyrs—and very significantly. Good management contributes more to our comfort than great possessions. Whatever a meek man has of this earth, he knows how to wield it, to make a right and good use of it; that is all in all. Quiet souls so far inherit the earth that they are sure to have as much of it as is good for them, as much as will serve to bear their charges through this world to a better; and who would covet more? The promise of God without present possession, is better than possession of the world without an interest in the promise.[Read Matthew 16:26; Mark8:36]

Meekness has in its own nature a direct tendency to our present benefit and advantage. He that is thus wise, is wise for himself even in this world, and effectually consults his own interest. [Likewise], meekness has a good influence upon our health. If envy be "the rottenness of the bones," meekness is the preservation of them. The excesses and exorbitances of anger stir up those bad humors in the body which kindle and increase wasting and killing diseases; but meekness governs those humors, and so contributes very much to the good temper and constitution of the body. When Ahab was sick for Naboth's vineyard, meekness would soon have cured him. Moses, the meekest of men, not only lived to be old, but was then free from the infirmities of age; "his eye was not dim, nor his natural force abated," which may be very much imputed to his meekness, as a means. The days of old age would not be such evil days if old people did not, by their own frowardness and unquietness, make them worse than otherwise they would be. Ungoverned anger inflames the natural heat, and so begets acute diseases—dries up the radical moisture, and so hastens chronical decays. The body is called the sheath or scabbard of the soul. (See Daniel 7:15), margin. How often does an envious, fretful soul, like a sharp knife, cut its own sheath, and as they say of the viper's brood, eat its own way out; all which meekness happily prevents. [Read Psalm 37:]

The quietness of the spirit will help to suppress melancholy; and this, as other of wisdom's precepts, will be health to the body and marrow to the bones: length of days and long life and peace they shall add unto thee; but wrath kills the foolish man. (See Job 5:2).

It has a good influence upon our wealth, the preservation and increase of it. As in kingdoms, so in families and neighborhoods, war begets poverty. Many a one has brought a fair estate to ruin by giving way to the efforts of an ungoverned anger, that barbarous idol, to which even the children's portions and the family's maintenance are oftentimes sacrificed. Contention will as soon clothe a man with rags as slothfulness; that therefore which keeps peace does not a little befriend plenty. It was Abraham's meek management of his quarrel with Lot that secured both his own and his kinsman's possessions, which otherwise would have been an easy prey to the Canaanite and the Perizzite that dwelt then in the land. And Isaac, whom I have sometimes thought to be the most quiet and calm of all the patriarchs, and that passed the days of his pilgrimage most silently, raised the greatest estate of any of them; he "grew until he became very great;"and his son Jacob lost nothing in the end by his meek and quiet carriage towards his uncle Laban. Revenge is costly. Haman bid largely for it, no less than ten thousand talents of silver. [Read the Book of Esther] It is better to forgive, and save the charges. Mr. Dod used to say, "Love is better than law; for love is cheap, but law is chargeable." Those tradesmen are commonly observed to thrive most that make the least noise, that "with quietness work," and mind their own business.

It has a good influence upon our safety. In the day of the Lord's anger the meek of the earth are most likely to be secured. It may be you shall be hid—so runs the promise, (See Zephaniah 2:3), if any be, you shall; you stand fairest for special protection. Meekness approaches to that innocence which is commonly an effectual security against wrongs and injuries. However some base and servile spirits may exult over the tame and humble, yet with all persons of honor it is confessedly a piece of cowardice to attack an unarmed, unresisting man that resents not provocation. "And who is he that will harm you, if you be followers of that which is good?" Who draws his sword or cocks his pistol at the harmless silent lamb? while every one is ready to do it at the furious barking dog. Thus does the meek man escape many of those perplexing troubles, those woes and sorrows and wounds without cause, which he that is passionate, provoking, and revengeful pulls upon his own head. Wise men turn away wrath, but a fool's lips enter into contention, and his mouth calls for strokes.[Read Proverbs 18:6-7] It is an honor to a man to cease from strife, but every fool will be meddling to his own hurt. An instance of this I remember Mr. Baxter gives in his book of "Obedient Patience:" "Once going along London streets, a hectoring, rude fellow jostled him; he went on his way, and took no notice of it; but the same man affronting the next he met in like manner, he drew his sword and demanded satisfaction, and mischief was done." He that would sleep, both in a whole skin and in a whole conscience, must learn rather to forgive injuries than to revenge them. [Read Romans 12:17] The two goats that met upon the narrow bridge, as it is in Luther's fable, were both in danger should they quarrel; but were both preserved by the condescension of one that lay down and let the other go over him. It is the evil of passion, that it turns our friends into enemies; but it is the excellency of meekness, that it turns our enemies into friends, which is an effectual way of conquering them. Saul, as inveterate an enemy as could be, was more than once melted by David's mildness and meekness. "Is this thy voice, my son David?" said he. "I have sinned: return, my son David." And after that Saul persecuted him no more. (See 1 Samuel 27:4). The change that Jacob's meekness made in Esau is no less observable. In the ordinary dispensations of Providence, some tell us that they have found it remarkably true in times of public trouble and calamity, that it has commonly fared best with the meek and quiet; their lot has been safe and easy, especially if compared with the contrary fate of the turbulent and seditious. Whoso is wise and observes these things will understand the loving-kindness of the Lord to the quiet in the land, against whom we read indeed of plots laid and deceitful matters devised, (See Psalm 35:20; 37:12, 14); but those by a kind and overruling Providence are ordinarily baffled and made successless. Thus does this grace of meekness carry its own recompense along with it, and in keeping this commandment, as well as after keeping it, "there is a great reward."

(a) Capite - Descents. By the head; every one of the kindred, receive an equal part of an estate.
Source – Webster's Dictionary Ed. 1913

Saturday, April 28, 2018

A Study of Psalm Thirty Four
Verse Fifteen

15 The eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous, and his ears are open unto their cry.

Related Scripture:


We might ask ourselves, who is the righteous man? I will submit, that there are, as has been written, none, not a one. However, those that practice the previous verses that we've read in our study thus far, would be accounted for as to doing the righteous works and behaving in a manner of which He would approve.

Parents that are very fond of a child will not let it be out of their sight; none of God’s children are ever from under his eye, but on them he looks with a singular complacency, as well as with a watchful and tender concern. They are sure of an answer of peace to their prayers. All God’s people are a praying people, and they cry in prayer, which denotes great importunity; but is it to any purpose? Yes, God takes notice of what we say They cry, and the Lord hears them, and hears them so as to make it appear he has a regard to them. His ears are open to their prayers, to receive them all, and to receive them readily and with delight. Though he has been a God hearing prayer ever since men began to call upon the name of the Lord, yet his ear is not heavy. There is no rhetoric, nothing charming, in a cry, yet God’s ears are open to it, as the tender mother’s to the cry of her sucking child, which another would take no notice of: The righteous cry, and the Lord heareth. This intimates that it is the constant practice of good people, when they are in distress, to cry unto God, and it is their constant comfort that God hears them.

He not only takes notice of what we say, but is ready for us to our relief: He is nigh to those that are of a broken heart, and saves them. Note, First, It is the character of the righteous, whose prayers God will hear, that they are of a broken heart and a contrite spirit (that is, humbled for sin and emptied of self); they are low in their own eyes, and have no confidence in their own merit and sufficiency, but in God only. Secondly, Those who are so have God nigh unto them, to comfort and support them, that the spirit may not be broken more than is meet, lest it should fail before him. (Read Isaiah 57:15) . Though God is high, and dwells on high, yet he is near to those who, being of a contrite spirit, know how to value his favour, and will save them from sinking under their burdens; he is near them to good purpose” - Matthew Henry

Friday, April 27, 2018

A Study of Psalm Thirty Four
Verse 14

14 Eschew evil and do good: seek peace and follow after it.

Related Scripture:

The word “eschew” as defined by Webster's Dictionary Ed. 1913 means to not only reject but to avoid, or shun something as inherently evil.

In keeping with yesterday's reading we find that those that would seek to be at peace with all peoples must first learn to be at peace within themselves. This means, to not speak poorly of others, to do good, and reject evil.

They must not only eschew evil, but do good” - William Beveridge – Bishop and Theologian

This denotes that evil is near to men; it keeps close to them, and should be declined and shunned: and it regards all sorts of evil; evil men, and their evil company; evil things, evil words and works, and all appearance of evil; and the fear of the Lord shows itself in an hatred of it, and a departure from it and do good; not only acts of beneficence to all in necessitous circumstances, but every good work; whatever the word of God directs, or suggests should be done; and which should be done from right principles of faith and love, and to right ends, the glory of God, and the good of his interest; and Christ should be looked and applied unto for grace and strength to perform; all which are evidences of the true fear of God. Seek peace and pursue it in the world, and with all men, as much as possibly can be; in neighbourhoods, cities, and states, and in the churches of Christ, and with the saints, as well as with God through Christ; and which in every sense is to be pursued after with eagerness, and to be endeavoured for with diligence.” - John Gill - Theologian

Thursday, April 26, 2018

A Study of Psalm Thirty Four
Verse Thirteen

13 Keep thy tongue from evil, and thy lips, that they speak no guile.

Related Scriptures:


On Sundays, our readings have been from Matthew Henry's “Discourse on Meekness”. Within its many chapters, we come away with the impression that one of those qualities that pertain to having a meek spirit, is the ability to speak ill of none that cross our paths in life. It matters little if said persons are kings or commoners it behooves us to refrain from all forms of utterances that would paint them in a sinister light.

Henceforth, let each of us seek to speak well of all others. Give praise where praise to due. Give the honor unto whom honor is due. Speak gently, albeit with wisdom to all people. And finally, let that wisdom descend from above with the usage of God's word. (See Romans 13:7; James 3:17)

Monday, April 23, 2018

A Study of Psalm Thirty Four
Verse Twelve

12 What man is he that desireth life, and loveth long days for to see good?

Related Scripture:

1Peter 3:1-12


As we've so far read in this study it is the man that seeks to good that is rewarded with the blessings of all the gifts of Providence. Seek you then to be that person. Do good, harm no one. Be humble, and speak no ill of others. Cast off the fleshly covering that clothes you and put on the righteousness of Christ.

What man is he that desireth life? that is, as it follows, not only to see many days, but to see good comfortable days. Non est vivere, sed valere, vita—It is not being, but well being, that constitutes life. It is asked, "Who wishes to live a long and pleasant life?’’ and it is easily answered, Who does not? Surely this must look further than time and this present world; for man’s life on earth at best consists but of few days and those full of trouble. What man is he that would be eternally happy, that would see many days, as many as the days of heaven, that would see good in that world where all bliss is in perfection, without the least alloy? Who would see the good before him now, by faith and hope, and enjoy it shortly? Who would? Alas! very few have that in their thoughts. Most ask, Who will show us any good? But few ask, What shall we do to inherit eternal life? This question implies that there are some [As such] he prescribes the true and only way to happiness both in this world and that to come.” - Matthew Henry

Friday, April 20, 2018

A Study of Psalm Thirty Four
Verse Eleven

11 Come children, hearken unto me: I will teach you the fear of the Lord.


Herein above the psalmist David is saying to listen to the wisdom that has been imparted to him by our Creator. This is to say, proper reverence of the Lord. Included would be prayer, thanksgiving, and our works towards our fellow man.

Prayer, is our communication with Him. It is our quiet time wherein we give our reports, confess our sins, and make petition to Him. Additionally it during this time that we should seek counsel in His word, by studying it. Friends, read daily, and meditate.

Thanksgiving, can also be done during prayer time, in that we come with praise to His name, and humble ourselves with all humility, with a thankful heart for all that He provides for us.

God, loves when we act in His name in the helping of those less fortunate. Likewise, it is His desire that He receive the glory for all actions on His behalf.

14 Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of mine heart be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord my strength, and my redeemer.” - Psalm 19:14 - That I may be obedient to you in all thoughts, words, and deeds. Such is proper reverence to our Lord.

Thursday, April 19, 2018

A Study on Psalm Thirty Four
Verse Ten

10 The lions do lack and suffer hunger, but they which seek the Lord, shall want nothing that is good.

Related Scripture

Psalm 84:11
Matthew 6:26-29
Philippians 4:19


As mentioned from the previous study on Tuesday, we read that all those that seek Him, and His wisdom, shall not lack for the provision of their needs. The godly by their patient obedience profit more than they which ravine and spoil.

David simply asserts, that those who guard against all unrighteousness should profit more because the Lord feeds his people, while even the lions and other beasts of prey often suffer hunger. What he says, then, is, that sooner shall the lions perish with hunger and want, than God will disappoint of their necessary food the righteous and sincere, who, content with his blessing alone, seek their food only from his hand. Whoever, therefore, shall in this way cast his cares upon God, and confide implicitly in his paternal goodness and bounty, shall live quietly and peaceably among men, and suffer no injury. If it is objected, that the good and the virtuous are not always exempted from penury, I answer, that the hand of God is stretched out to succor them in due season, when they are reduced to the greatest straits, and know not to what side to turn, so that the issue always shows that we seek not in vain from him whatever is necessary to the sustenance of life.” - John Calvin

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

A Study of Psalm Thirty Four
Verse Nine

9 Fear the Lord ye his Saints: for nothing wanteth to them that fear him

Herein above we read a verse that ties in with the preceding one of yesterday, and will likewise tie in with the following verse tomorrow.

Leave them to God above; Him serve and fear” – John Milton

Who are sanctified by his Spirit, and so are openly and manifestly his; these are exhorted to fear the Lord with reverence and godly fear; and great reason there is why they should fear him, since he is King of saints, and fear is due to him from them; and seeing they have received many instances of grace and goodness from him, and therefore should fear him for his goodness's sake; and besides they, and they only, know him, and have the grace of fear in them, and so only can exercise it on him.

[There is], so much goodness [that] is laid up for them; the heart of God is towards them, his secret is with them, his eye is upon them, and the sun of righteousness arises on them; and both grace and glory are given to them; nor in temporals, since godliness, or the fear of God, has the promise of this life, as well as of that which is to come.” - John Gill

Monday, April 16, 2018

A Study of Psalm Thirty Four
Verse Eight

8 Taste ye and see, how gracious the Lord is: blessed is the man that trusteth in him.

Gracious, such a beautiful word. Defined it means abounding in grace or mercy. And how it so helps to define the nature of our Creator. Merciful, and filled with grace.

Now, the man who seeks God, and places all trust and assurance in Him, is therefore blessed by the mercies of Providence. Friends, henceforth, let us seek or as has been written above, "taste" Him daily. In prayer, in the study of his word, and in fellowship with one another.
R.P. Woitowitz Sr.

Consider it seriously, and thoroughly, and affectionately and make trial of it by your own and others’ experiences. This is opposed to those slight and vanishing thoughts which men have of it.” - Matthew Poole

The goodness of God includes both the beauty and amiableness of his being and the bounty and beneficence of his providence and grace; and accordingly.

We must taste that he is a bountiful benefactor, relish the goodness of God in all his gifts to us, and reckon that the savour and sweetness of them. Let God’s goodness be rolled under the tongue as a sweet morsel.

We must see that he is a beautiful being, and delight in the contemplation of his infinite perfections. By taste and sight we both make discoveries and take complacency. Taste and see God’s goodness, that is, take notice of it and take the comfort of it, (See 1 Peter2:3 ).

He is good, for he makes all those that trust in him truly blessed; let us therefore be so convinced of his goodness as thereby to be encouraged in the worst of times to trust in him.

He would have us join with him in a resolution to seek God and serve him, and continue in his fear” - Matthew Henry

Friday, April 13, 2018

A Study of Psalm Thirty Four
Verse Seven

7 The angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear Him, and delivereth them.

Related Scripture:
2 Kings 6:17; Psalm 91:11; Daniel 6:22


We are protected by God's word, wisdom and love. Whilst we mayhap suffer from the trials and tribulations of this world, God has promised to deliver us from all of them.

Being frequently mentioned in the OT.: (See Exodus 23:20; Isaiah 63:9). He is not merely an angelic messenger, but is in some sense identified with God Himself. He may be said to stand for God in His self-revealing character, and in His activity among men.”
John Dummelow

The angel of the Lord is an expression which has given rise to much discussion. From comparison with other passages it may be (1) any commissioned agent of God, as a prophet (Haggai 1:13). (2) One of the celestial court (Genesis 22:11). (3) Any manifestation of the Divine presence, as the flame in the bush (Exodus 3:2), the winds (Psalms 35:5-6; Psalms 104:4). (4) Jehovah Himself, as in the phrase “the angel of his presence” (Isaiah 63:9). It may very well be, therefore, that the psalmist uses it here in a general sense for the Divine manifestation of protection. We thus avoid the difficulty in the image of one angel encamping round the sufferer, which other commentators try to avoid by supposing angel to mean either a troop of angels, or captain or chief of an angelic army. But for this difficulty, we should connect the psalmist's words immediately with the well-known incident in Jacob's life at Mahanaim, or with the story of Elisha and “the horses and chariots of fire” round about him. We certainly must not let go the beautiful thought that round God's elect— 'The spangled hosts keep watch in squadrons bright.'(a)
C.J. Ellicott

Thursday, April 12, 2018

A Study of Psalm Thirty Four
Verse Six

6 This poor man cried, and the Lord heard him, and saved him out of all his troubles.


As we've noted in our previous studies, one of the things that our Lord takes great pleasure in is our praises; the sacrifice of our lips. This means from the greatest to the least of us. (Read Hebrews 13:15). As such, He is quick to hear our cries, our petitions and act upon them.

These here spoken of, that looked unto God, had their expectations raised, and the event did not frustrate them: Their faces were not ashamed of their confidence. But perhaps these also were persons of great eminence, like David himself, and upon that account were highly favoured, or their numbers made them considerable. Nay, 'This poor man cried', a single person, mean and inconsiderable, whom no man looked upon with any respect or looked after with any concern yet he was as welcome to the throne of grace as David or any of his worthies.” - Matthew Henry

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

A Study of Psalm Thirty Four
Verse Five

5 They looked unto him, and were lightened: and their faces were not ashamed.
King James Translation


We are reminded here of three scriptures that use the concept of faces being alight. Exodus 34:29-35, wherein Moses in speaking with God came out and his face shone, that is to say, was radiant. Secondly when Christ took his three disciples up the mountain and was transfigured so that he shone beyond brightness. Along the side of Him were Moses, and Elijah. Both men of great faith and trust in God. And finally 2 Corinthians 3:7.

Friends, when we look towards Him as our Savior, and as He that hath control over all things, we shall never be ashamed. It is Paul the Apostle that writes:
“I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ” In this, he writes that the Gospel is the bringer of joyous news, and more importantly salvation.

That is, 'the humble' ones, ( See Psalms 34:2 ) ; and so this is a reason why they should join in praising and magnifying the Lord; these 'looked' up to God in prayer and by faith, when in distressed and uncomfortable circumstances, for help and deliverance, and a supply of every needful good thing; and they were 'enlightened'; so the Targum renders it, 'their faces were enlightened'; as Jarchi and Aben Ezra interpret it, in opposition to what follows: they must have been enlightened before they could look, but by looking to the Lord more light was gained: this chiefly designs the light of joy, peace, and comfort, which is had in a way of believing: some render the word "and flowed", as a river does, that is, to the Lord, as in ( See Jeremiah 31:12 ) . So Kimchi and Ben Melech explain the word; and it denotes both the numbers of them that looked up to the Lord in their distress, and the swiftness of their motion to him, and their earnestness and fervor of mind; so faith is not only a looking to Christ, but a going forth unto him; having what they prayed and looked for, and what they hoped and believed they should have; namely, deliverance and salvation, and so peace and pleasure.” - John Gill – Theologian

Monday, April 9, 2018

A Study of Psalm Thirty Four
Verse Four

4 I sought the Lord, and he heard me: yea, he delivered me out of all my fear
GNV Translation

4 I sought the LORD, and He answered me, And delivered me from all my terrors
JPS Translation


Daily it behooves us to seek the Lord. Place all trust in Him to deliver, and be joyful in all things. In Psalm 23 we read the verses:

4 Yea, though I should walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for thou art with me: thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me. 5 Thou dost prepare a table before me in the sight of mine adversaries: thou dost anoint mine head with oil, and my cup runneth over.

Even death cannot hold sway over the believer because Christ has conquered death. Furthermore, the Lord delights in providing the benefits of Providence upon our heads. All things will fade into the background, all fears, shall the believer overcome.

This is the reason and cause of his gratitude. I sought the Lord, and he heard me, and delivered me out of all my fears. This answers to the history; for when David heard what the servants of Achish said concerning him, "he laid up the words in his heart, and was greatly afraid," (See 1 Samuel 21:13). To save him, God caused the epileptic fit to seize him; and, in consequence, he was dismissed by Achish, as one whose defection from his master, and union with the Philistines, could be of no use, and thus David's life and honor were preserved.” Thomas Coke – Theologian

Sunday, April 8, 2018

A Discourse On Meekness and Quietness of Spirit
  Abridged from the Rev. Matthew Henry
Edited by R.P. Woitowitz Sr.
A meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price. 1 Peter 3:4
Published by the American Tract Society


He enjoys his friends
 [T]hat is a thing in which lies much of the comfort of human life. Man was intended to be a sociable creature, and a Christian much more so. But the angry man is unfit to be so, that takes fire at every provocation; fitter to be abandoned to the lions' dens and mountains of the leopards, than to go forth by the footsteps of the flock. He that has his hand against every man, cannot but have, with Ishmael's character, Ishmael's fate, "every man's hand against him," [Read Genesis 16:1] and so he lives in a state of war; but meekness is the cement of society, the bond of Christian communion: it planes and polishes the materials of that beautiful fabric, and makes them lie close and tight, and the living stones which are built up a spiritual house, to be like the stones of the temple that Herod built, all as one stone, whereas, "Hard upon hard," as the Spaniard's proverb is, "will never make a wall." Meekness preserves among brethren that unity which is like the ointment upon the holy head, and the dew upon the holy hill.(See Psalm 133:1-2). In our present state of imperfection, there can be no friendship, correspondence, or conversation maintained without mutual allowances; we do not yet dwell with angels or spirits of just men made perfect, but with men subject to like passions. Now meekness teaches us to consider this, and to allow accordingly; and so distance and strangeness, feuds and quarrels are happily prevented, and the beginnings of them crushed by a timely care. How necessary to true friendship it is to surrender our passions, and to subject them all to the laws of it, was perhaps intimated by Jonathan's delivering to David his sword and his bow and his girdle, all his military habiliments, when he entered in a covenant with him.

He enjoys his God (a)
[T]hat is most comfortable of all. It is the quintessence of all happiness, and that without which all our other enjoyments are insipid; for this none are better qualified than those who are arrayed with the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price. It was when the psalmist had newly conquered an unruly passion and composed himself, that he lifted up his soul to God in that pious and pathetic breathing, "Whom have I in heaven but thee? and there is none upon earth that I desire in comparison of thee." [Read Psalm 73:25-26]. We enjoy God when we have the evidences and the assurances of his favor, the tastes and tokens of his love—when we experience in ourselves the communication of his grace, and the continued instances of his image stamped upon us; and this those that are most meek and quiet have usually in the greatest degree. In our wrath and passion we give place to the devil, and so provoke God to withdraw from us. Nothing grieves the Holy Spirit of God, by whom we have fellowship with the Father, more than "bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and evil-speaking." [Read Ephesians 4:26-27](b). But to this man does the God of heaven look with a peculiar regard, even to him that is poor, poor in spirit, (See Isaiah 66:2): to him that is quiet, so the Syriac—to him that is meek, so the Chaldee. [So they both read]. The great God overlooks heaven and earth to give a favorable look to the meek and quiet soul. Nay, he not only looks at such, but he "dwells" with them; noting a constant intercourse and communion between God and humble souls. His secret is with them; he gives them more grace; and they that thus dwell in love, dwell in God, and God in them. The waters were dark indeed, but they were quiet when the Spirit of God moved upon them, and out of them produced a beautiful world.

This calm and sedate frame very much qualifies and disposes us for the reception and entertainment of divine visits; sets bounds to the mountain on which God is to descend, (See Exodus 19:12), that no interruption may break in; and charges the daughters of Jerusalem, by the roes and the hinds of the field—those sweet and gentle and peaceable creatures—not to stir up or awake our love till he please. (See Songs 2:7). Some think it was for the quieting and composing of his spirit, which seems to have been a little ruffled, that Elisha called for the "minstrel," and then "the hand of the Lord came upon him." Never was God more intimate with any mere man than he was with Moses, the meekest of all the men on the earth; and it was required as a needful qualification of the high priest, who was to draw near to minister, that he should have compassion on the ignorant, and on them that are out of the way. "The meek will He guide in judgment" with a still small voice, (c) which cannot be heard when the passions are loud and tumultuous. The angry man when he awakes is still with the devil, contriving some malicious project;(d), the meek and quiet man when he awakes is still with God, solacing himself in his favor. "Return unto thy rest, O my soul," says David, when he had reckoned himself among the simple, that is, the mild, innocent, and inoffensive people. Return to thy Noah, so the word is—for Noah had his name from rest—perhaps alluding to the rest which the dove found with Noah in the ark, when she could find none anywhere else. Those that are harmless and simple as doves, can with comfort return to God as to their rest. It is excellently paraphrased by Mr. Patrick,(e) "God and thyself," my soul, "enjoy; in quiet rest, freed from thy fears." It is said that "the Lord lifteth up the meek;" as far as their meekness reigns they are lifted up above the stormy region, and fixed in a sphere perpetually calm and serene. They are advanced indeed that are at home in God, and live a life of communion with him, not only in solemn ordinances, but even in the common accidents and occurrences of the world. Every day is a Sabbath-day, a day of holy rest with the meek and quiet soul, as one of the days of heaven. As this grace gets ground, the comforts of the Holy Ghost grow stronger and stronger, according to that precious promise, "The meek also shall increase their joy in the Lord, and the poor among men shall rejoice in the Holy One of Israel."

It is not in the power of his enemies to disturb and interrupt him in these enjoyments. His peace is not only sweet but safe and secure; as far as he acts under the law of meekness, it is above the reach of the assaults of those that wish ill to it. He that abides quietly under "the shadow of the Almighty" shall surely be delivered "from the snare of the fowler." The greatest provocations that men can give would not hurt us if we did not, by our inordinate and foolish concern, come too near them. We may therefore thank ourselves if we be damaged. He that has learned with meekness and quietness to forgive injuries and pass them by, has found the best and surest way of baffling and defeating them; nay, it is a kind of innocent revenge. It was an evidence that Saul was actuated by another spirit, in that, when children of Belial despised him and brought him no presents—hoping by that contempt to give a shock to his infant government—he "held his peace," and so neither his soul nor his crown received any disturbance. Shimei, when he cursed David, intended thereby to pour vinegar into his wounds, and to add affliction to the afflicted; but David, by his meekness, preserved his peace, and Shimei's design was frustrated. "So let him curse;" alas, poor creature, he hurts himself more than David, who, while he keeps his heart from being tinder to those sparks, is no more prejudiced by them than the moon is by the foolish cur that barks at it. The meek man's prayer is that of David, "Lead me to the rock that is higher than I," (See Psalm 61:2); and there I can, as Mr. Norris expresses it,

smile to see
The shafts of fortune all drop short of me.

The meek man is like a ship that rides at anchor—is moved, but not removed: the storm moves it—the meek man is not a stock or stone under provocation—but does not remove it from its port. It is a grace that, in reference to the temptations of affront and injury—as faith in reference to temptation in general—quenches the fiery darts of the wicked: it is an armor of proof against the spiteful and envenomed arrows of provocation, and is an impregnable wall to secure the peace of the soul, where no thief can break through to steal; while the angry man lays all his comforts at the mercy of every wasp that will strike at him.

So that, upon the whole, it appears that the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit is as easy as it is comely.

(a) – Editor's thought – Suggested reading of Psalms 32 & 34. Both convey within themselves the joys of being an obedient servant of God, and likewise, being rescued, forgiveness, and the receiving of grace by Him through Christ Jesus. 
(b) – Notations from the GNV Translation Ed. 1560
He teacheth us to bridle our anger in such sort, that although it be not, yet that it break not out, and that it be straightway quenched before we sleep, lest Satan taking occasion to give us evil counsel through the wicked counselor, destroy us. [Secondly], If it so fall out, that you be angry, yet sin not: that is, bridle your anger, and do not wickedly put that in execution, which you have wickedly conceived. [And Finally], Let not the night come upon you in your anger, that is, make atonement quickly for all matters. 
(c) – Be still and know I am God – Psalm 46:10

(d) – How could one possibly hear the voice of God, by being continually in tumultuous way? If one is constantly thinking upon evil, the repaying of evil for good, or even evil, then you cannot hear the wisdom in the voice of God. Therefore you cannot find the peace you're seeking, nor the satisfaction either.

(e) - This might be a reference to Patrick Delany who himself was a contemporary of Matthew Henry. Patrick Delany, D.D. (1686 – 6 May 1768), was an Irish clergyman and described by A Compendium of Irish Biography as "an eloquent preacher a man of wit and learning. Source Wikipedia

Saturday, April 7, 2018

A Study of Psalm Thirty Four
Verse Three

3 O magnify the LORD with me, And let us exalt His name together.
JPS Translation


Webster's dictionary (Ed. 1913) defines the word “magnify” thusly:

To make great or greater; to increase the dimensions of, to amplify; to enlarge; either in fact or in appearance. To increase the importance of; to augment the esteem or respect in which one is held.
To praise highly to laud or extol”

Additionally, in Strong's Concordance we read the Aramaic translation of the word:
hadar had-ar' (Aramaic); to magnify (figuratively): [thereby to]glorify, [&] honour.

Let us together lift our voices in the sacrifice of praise, for there is no greater pleasure that our Creator takes in hearing the words of our lips giving thanks to Him. When we gather together, we not only fellowship with one another, (in particular in the house of the Lord), but we fellowship with our Creator and Savior. (Read also Philippians 1:5; Philemon 1:6; 1 John 1:3)

Assign to Him the greatness which really belongs to Him. Joint praise is one sweet fruit of the communion of saints.” - Robert Jamieson, A. R. Fausset and David Brown. Commentary Critical and explanatory on the whole Bible Ed. 1871.

When God made man, He made him first of all alone, and then He decided it was not good for him to be alone; and ever since then God has so arranged it that man is never left altogether alone, or only under very exceptional circumstances. We are born into the world of our fellow-men; when we are born again, we are introduced into a new society, with a fellowship far more real than is to be found in the society of the world. The vision of the Divine presence ever takes the form which our circumstances most require. David’s then need was safety and protection. Therefore he saw the Encamping Angel; even as to Joshua the leader He appeared as the Captain of the Lord’s host; and as to Isaiah, in the year that the throne of Judah was emptied by the death of the earthly king, was given the vision of the Lord sitting on a throne, the King Eternal and Immortal. So to us all His grace shapes its expression according to our wants, and the same gift is Protean in its power of transformation, being to one man wisdom, to another strength, to the solitary companionship, to the sorrowful consolation, to the glad sobering, to the thinker truth, to the worker practical force—to each his heart’s desire, if the heart’s delight be God.” - James Nesbit – Church Pulpit Commentary

Friday, April 6, 2018

A Study of Psalm Thirty Four
Verse Two

2 My soul shall glory in the Lord: the humble shall hear it and be glad.

Related Scriptures:

Deuteronomy 8:2
Psalm 69:32 (a)
1 Corinthians 1:29-31

(a) – Notations from GNV - There is no sacrifice, which God more esteemeth, than thanksgiving for his benefits. For as he delivered his servant David, so will he do all that are in distress, and call upon him.


The sacrifice of praise, that is of the lips is more pleasing to God than all others. For it shows the humbleness of the heart of the one that is giving it.

Not in men, nor in any outward enjoyment, nor in any works of righteousness, but in the Lord; 'in the Word of the Lord', as the Targum; in the Lord Jesus Christ; in his wisdom, strength, riches, righteousness, redemption, and salvation; in interest in him, and communion with him: and this is not tongue but soul boasting; and not flashy and selfish, but solid, spiritual, and hearty; and with all the powers and faculties of the soul. The humble shall hear [thereof]; either of the deliverance the psalmist had out of the hands of his enemies; or of his blessing and praising the Lord for the same, and making his boast in him as the God of his salvation; or of both: of these humble ones. [Those], that rejoice, and are glad at heart that others share in the goodness and grace of God; and also because by such an instance of the divine power and kindness they are encouraged to hope that he will, in his own time, deliver them out of their afflictions and distresses also.” - John Gill - Theologian

Thursday, April 5, 2018

A Study of Psalm Thirty Four
Verse One

1 I will always give thanks unto the Lord: his praise shall be in my mouth continually.


The statement above as made by the psalmist David is that all day, every day shall he give praise to our Creator. If you recall during our last study, a similar point was made in 32:11, in so far as that the righteous shall always be comforted by the peace of God, which can only come about by faith, and the expression of that faith through praise and thanksgiving. Likewise should also be of praise to Him. To give thanks in all things.

In the Gospel of Luke we read of the example of how to pray, that being what is known as the Lord's prayer. In it, the second line is praising the Father, “hallowed by thy name” or in other words, Holy is it, and through inference the idea of praise is connected.

If we read this Psalm with an eye to David King of Israel; we shalt find great light thrown upon it by turning to the history of David to which the title refers, (See 1 Samuel 21:10-15). If we read it with an eye to David's Lord, of whom David was a type, and to whom he ministered as a prophet, we must turn to the Evangelists, and behold the deliverance of Christ from the powers of darkness at his resurrection. And if we read it as applicable to every true believer in Christ, in all his escapes from sin, and his final triumph over death and the grave; we must still consider the believer in Christ as only conquering in his name, and triumphing in his salvation. What I would recommend the Reader therefore to do through the whole of this Psalm, in order that he may enter into the enjoyment of the precious things in it, is (what I desire grace to do myself,) to keep a steady eye on Jesus, and in his triumph s and victories to take part. This will be (as the Psalmist expresses at in another place) to rejoice in his salvation, and in the name of our God to set up our banners.” - Hawker's Poor Man's Commentary

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

A Study of Psalm Thirty Two
Verse Eleven

11 Be glad ye righteous, and rejoice in the Lord, and be joyful all ye, that are upright in heart.

Related Scriptures:

Psalm 64:10, 66:3, 68:3, 97:12

GNV Study notes:

“He [the psalmist] showeth that peace and joy of conscience in the holy Ghost, is the fruit of faith." 


As both the Apostles Paul and James wrote, to take joy in all tribulations, (Read Romans 5:3-5; James 1:2-4; respectively), for through them we find our strength, and through that strength comes the perfect trust in God. Henceforth, let us, therefore, be filled with joy in all things. As is written by Solomon in Ecclesiastes, there is a season for all things. (Read Ecclesiastes 3:1-8) For it shows us not to be grieved by the perpetual change and challenges in this world. For all things are transitory. Let us also not take too much joy in them as well for on the morrow, they themselves, but also be gone. Be at peace with all things, and let all things be for your comfort, yet do not count on them to be of ultimate comfort, for that only comes through the love of Christ, and by our love of Him.

The antithesis of "wicked" and "he that trusteth in Jehovah" is significant as teaching that faith is the true opposite of sinfulness. Not less full of meaning is the sequence of trust, righteousness, and uprightness of heart in verses 10 and eleven. Faith leads to righteousness, and they are upright, not who have never fallen, but who have been raised from their fall by pardon. The psalmist had thought of himself as compassed with shouts of deliverance. Another circle is cast round him and all who, with him, trust Jehovah. A ring of mercies, like a fiery wall, surrounds the pardoned, faithful soul, without a break through which a real evil can creep. Therefore the encompassing songs of deliverance are continuous as the mercies which they hymn, and in the centre of that double circle the soul sits secure and thankful. The psalm ends with a joyful summons to general joy. All share in the solitary soul’s exultation. The depth of penitence measures the height of gladness. The breath that was spent in 'roaring all the day long' is used for shouts of deliverance. Every tear sparkles like a diamond in the sunshine of pardon, and he who begins with the lowly cry for forgiveness will end with lofty songs of joy and be made, by God’s guidance and Spirit, righteous and upright in heart.” - Expositor's Bible Commentary

Monday, April 2, 2018

A Study of Psalm Thirty Two
Verse Ten

10 Many sorrows shall come to the wicked: but he that trusteth in the Lord, mercy shall compass him.


I was speaking with my pastor yesterday morning about, of all things, cartoons. And he said something that would sort of tie in with the above. That the characters in the cartoons in my era as a child, were mostly not evil, bad perhaps, but in that badness, they themselves became victims of their own actions against others. As such, we see today, that will those that would commit evil advance, it still comes back to them in other ways. Sadly, it seems to become a vicious cycle, in which they do wrong, it comes back upon their own heads, and it fuels them to commit even more atrocities.

Now compare the above with the godly man. He that places his trust in Him, whilst he may suffer tribulations, the Lord shall see him through each one. There is a saying of which I disagree. Basically, it states that God, shall not give one more than one can handle. However, I feel that, that is precisely what he does because then we've nowhere else to turn to but to Him. We, are nothing without Him.

It is not our duty to attempt to excuse or palliate crimes like those of David, or of any other person mentioned in Holy Writ. We should confess that there is scarcely a Scripture character without a stain—nor need we be at any pains to excuse this fact We should, indeed, give the same justice to them that we do to others, but there is nothing in the Bible requiring us to regard sin differently or as less aggravated—whether seen in a Prophet, Minister, Christian, or Infidel. Suppose that the believers mentioned in Scripture had all been represented as faultless, would the Bible have been any more credible? Here in the world we see, as a rule, good men overcoming their sins. At times, however, they may have been overcome by them—and if we turn to the Bible we find just such characters drawn there. Every one must feel that the Scriptures are, therefore, much more credible when they describe believers as but imperfectly sanctified, than they would have been had they represented them as perfect.” - E.J Brewster