Thursday, November 19, 2015

Word of God

Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth from the mouth of God
Matthew 4:4

The First Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Thessalonians 1:5
Study notes by John Gill
Edited/Prefaced by Doktor Riktor Von Zhades

5 For our Gospel was not unto you in word only, but also in power, and in the holy Ghost, and in much assurance, as ye know after what manner we were among you for your sakes.


The next study will focus on Paul the Apostle’s two epistles to the church at Thessalonia. It his hoped that you will follow along with the same interest that you have in all previous studies.

In the above verse, we read that Paul (and his companions), had traveled to Thessalonia to preach the Gospel of Christ. He puts for the proposition that not only was it revealed to them by the word of mouth, but more importantly revealed to them by the Holy Spirit. That same Spirit is all powerful (Read Psalm 149:6; Hebrews 4:12), whose mere words can fulfill anything and all He desires to accomplish. Also take note friends, that Paul did not come to “peddle” (Read 2 Corinthians 2:17; 2 Peter 2:3) this Gospel as others may have done, for profit and fame. Nay, he came to bring them into the family of Christ. Living among them, working, and preaching. - Dr. R.V.Z

The apostle calls the Gospel "our Gospel", not because he and his fellow ministers were the authors of it; for in this respect it is solely of God, being the produce of his wisdom and grace, and by the revelation of Jesus Christ, hence he calls it the Gospel of God not because they were the subject of it, for they preached not themselves, but a crucified Christ, and him only, though it was a stumbling block to some, and foolishness to others (Read Romans 14:13; 1 Corinthians 1:23), but because it was committed to their trust, and they were the preachers of it, and agreed in the ministration of it; and it is opposed to, and is distinct from, that which was preached by the false teachers; and here intends not barely the Gospel itself, but chiefly their preaching of it: and this came unto them being sent of God, for wherever the Gospel comes, it comes with a mission and commission from God; and being brought unto them by the apostles, who were bringers and publishers of the good tidings of good things, it came unthought of, unsought and unasked for by them; and that not only externally, which to have is a great blessing, but internally, (eiv umav) , "into you"; it came not barely into their ears vocally, and into their heads notionally; but into their hearts, and worked effectually there; it was mixed with faith, and was profitable; it became the ingrafted word, and dwelt richly in them: for it came to them not in word only; if it did come in word, it could not come without words, there is no interpreting of Scripture, no preaching of the Gospel, nor hearing of it without words, without articulate sounds; but not only with these, nor with wisdom of words, with enticing words of man's wisdom, with words which man's wisdom teacheth; as also not in the mere notion and letter of the Gospel, which when it comes in that manner is a dead letter, and the saviour of death unto death.

Not merely preached in a powerful way, or attended with miraculous operations, though doubtless both were true; for the apostle was a powerful preacher, and his ministry was confirmed by signs and wonders and mighty deeds; but from neither of these could he conclude the election of these people: but the preaching of the Gospel was accompanied with the powerful efficacy of the grace of God, working by it upon them; so that it became the power of God unto salvation(Read Romans 1:16; 1 Peter 1:5) to them; it came to them in the demonstration of the Spirit of God, and of power, quickening them who were dead in trespasses, and sin, enlightening their dark understandings, unstopping their deaf ears, softening their hard hearts, and delivering them from the slavery of sin and Satan; from whence it clearly appeared that they were the chosen of God, and precious: and in the Holy Ghost; the Gospel was not only preached under the influence, and by the assistance of the Holy Spirit, and attended with his extraordinary gifts for the confirmation of it, which it might be, and be no proof of the election of these persons to eternal life; but it came by the power of the Holy Spirit to their souls, working and implanting his graces in them, as faith, hope, and love, and every other; and he himself was received along with it, as a spirit of illumination and conviction, of regeneration, conversion, and sanctification, and of faith and adoption; all which gave full evidence of their election.” - John Gill Theologian

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