Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Meditation One

When you spread out your hands, I will hide My eyes from you. Even though you make many prayers I will not hear. Your hands are full of blood.” - Isaiah 1:15

Then they will call on me but I will not answer, The will seek me diligently but they will not find me” - Proverbs 1:28


A few days ago while in meditation, prayer and conversation with our Lord, it was impressed upon me the above scriptures. During this alone time, my thoughts were on how we as a nation had turned from being obedient to our Creator, and have fallen so far away from our first and foremost duty to Him, that is to worship Him.

In The Book of Proverbs Chapter one, scripture goes on to say the reasoning behind God's turning away from us. It is we that have not sought Him. We have abandoned all knowledge and wisdom as given to us by Him. Likewise, when He has sought to correct us we have not heeded His correction but instead have rebelled against it. As a result He has allowed to now wallow in the misery of our own making.

The blood on our hands comes from many areas. We have not preached the Gospel, and have not warned others of the coming judgment (See Daniel 7:9-10, 26). We have failed as watchmen, and therefore those that we should have, could have reached is on our heads (See Ezekiel 3:17, 33:7-9). We take the lives of others without mercy or cause, and then justify our actions with excuses. The life of the unborn has been sacrificed to god of self convenience.

Yet there is hope (See Proverbs 1:33; Job 4:4) And that hope lies not in this world but in that which is yet to come. For what gain ( See Matthew 16:26) we in this world if we hope to save what is considered sinful by our Creator? So, if as the Apostle Paul wrote that the wages of sin is death, then it must be considered, that the wages of righteousness is life. Now we know that our own best efforts at righteousness cannot save us, for if it were so, then there would have been need for Christ to redeem us for if we lived fully by the law, then the law would have brought righteousness. But we are incapable of living as such, so the need for Savior became needed. And what a Savior He is indeed! For not only does He redeem us from all sins, and unrighteousness, but His sacrifice also imputes (See Romans 4:24) His righteousness to us, thereby meeting the righteous requirements of God the Father.

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