Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Sunday Sermon

America, Don't Be Ashamed of Jesus! (Preface)(a)
by Walter A. Maier

"I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ; for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth." - The Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Romans Chapter 1 Verse 16

A few months before Charles Darwin, often called "the Father of Evolution," died, he was visited by Lady Hope. In a signed statement this titled English woman tells how she found the scientist, who had flatly denied Scripture, propped up in his bed, reading the very Book he had attacked, the Bible. Calmly, yet forcefully he spoke on the guidance offered by the sacred Volume. He bemoaned the fact that people had accepted his theories regarding man's origin as assured truth. Then he suddenly asked Lady Hope: "I have a summer house in the garden which holds almost thirty people...Tomorrow afternoon I should like the servants on the place, some tenants, and a few of the neighbors to gather there. Will you speak to them?" "What shall I speak about?" Lady Hope inquired. Clearly, emphatically he replied, "Jesus Christ and His salvation," adding in a lower tone, "Is not that the best theme?" Thus, with death approaching, did Charles Darwin, evolutionist and denier of the Bible, acclaim the Lord Jesus. (b)

This same eleventh-hour seeking refuge in Christ occurs every day along the far-flung battle lines of the Second World War. Why is it that a sailor from a torpedoed ship, rescued after floating eighteen days off Australia, cries out, "You can't be an atheist on a rubber raft!"? Wtiy was it that when the Japanese bombardment began, soldiers on Corregidor, even those otherwise irreligious, fell on their knees before God? Why, during a recent blackout, did New York hotel guests telephone the desk for Bibles? Must we not conclude that, as danger and death approach, men usually banish their boasting ridicule of religion and humble themselves before their Maker?

How tragic, then, that even the disasters of war have not thus shocked all our people into a sense of utter dependence on Christ! Masses are crowding bars, night clubs, and places of sinful amusement, while across the Pacific American soldiers daily lay down their lives. Millions, with fatter pay envelopes than they have ever received before, are drinking, gambling, and carousing, while the sea daily takes its toll in the flower of American youth. We dare not permit pleasure to go on as usual. In this critical hour we need serious thought and especially a humble, prayerful return to the Lord. Therefore, though unbelievers reject Christ, skeptics question His Gospel, paganized thinkers ridicule His promises, atheists deride His holy name, proud sinners spurn His mercy, the cry must be:

Glory in His Gospel! Confess Him courageously! That loyalty to the Savior marked the mightiest of all apostles, Saint Paul, who exclaimed ; 'I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ; for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth" heroic words which I give you not only as the text but also as the motto for a Christ-centered life.

(a) Editor’s note - I will be using this sermon for the next couple of weeks. There is much to read in it. For those that wish to read it in it’s entire text a link will be provided below.
(b) Editor’s note - There is some dispute of this, however, we hear of deathbed conversions all the time.

Related Scripture

Psalm 34:5;
Psalm 119:80;
Romans 5:5;
2 Timothy 1:12;
Hebrews 2:11;
Hebrews 11:16;
John 11:25;
Matthew 10:31-33;
Matthew 16:24;
Proverbs 30:5-9;

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