Thursday, September 3, 2009

Don't Feel Too Secure

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For those of you that are government employees, either on the local, state or federal level, listen up. You may think that a single payer health plan will not effect you but guess again.

Let me preface the above by stating that my own employer (the USPS) has a good health package, that allows me to chose from various insurance companies and HMO‘s . I am certain that the same exists for local and state employees.

However I would not get too complacent with this benefit. As you know, every company, every government agency is feeling the effect of the economy. They are all cutting back. Do not for a minute think that should a National Healthcare Plan passes, that these same agencies won’t toss our plans under the bus to cut costs.

It will happen in the private sector first, but it will COME down to us too. As the various governments seek to reduce costs, that will be one of the first things that will be jettisoned.

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