Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Freed from the Indwelling of Sin Part 1

Now then there is no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus, which walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. For the Law of the Spirit of life which is in Christ Jesus, hath freed me from the Law of sin and of death. For (that that was impossible to the Law, inasmuch as it was weak, because of the flesh) God sending his own Son, in the similitude of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh, That that righteousness of the Law might be fulfilled in us, which walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.
The Epistle to the Romans 8:1-4 (Geneva Bible Translation Ed. 1599)

To all the brethren and all peoples throughout the world good morning and greetings in the name of Jesus Christ

As you might have noted by now the translation used in our study is from the Geneva Bible. It predates the KJV by some 50 years or so, yet is not so much different other than a few cases of verses being either combined or separated to make one verse or two. Also some of the wording is a bit different.  One of the features is the inclusion of some footnotes and thoughts as written down by one (or some) of the original possessors of said translation. Many of those thoughts are not new to us in so far as we’ve come to similar conclusions. Still they have been a good aid in our studies. So, today’s study is the thoughts of the aforementioned owner(s) in reference to today’s reading. Bear in mind that much of the English is older, but the thoughts conveyed are understandable. There are a couple of edits included and you will be able to note them when reading. 

A preventing of an objection: seeing that the virtue of the spirit which is in us, is so weak, how may we gather thereby, that there is no condemnation to them that have that virtue? because saith he, that virtue of the quickening spirit which is so weak in us, is most perfect and most mighty in Christ, and being imputed unto us which believe, causeth us to be so accounted of, as though there were no relics of corruption, and death in us. Therefore hitherto Paul disputed of remission of sins, and imputation of fulfilling the Law, and also of sanctification which is begun in us: but now he speaketh of the perfect imputation of Christ’s manhood, which part was necessarily required to the full appeasing of our consciences: for our sins are defaced by the blood of Christ, and the guiltiness of our corruption is covered with the imputation of Christ’s obedience: and the corruption itself (which the Apostle [Paul] calleth sinful sin) is healed in us by little and little, by the gift of sanctification, but yet it lacketh besides that another remedy, to wit, the perfect sanctification of Christ’s own flesh, which also is to us imputed.

He [the Apostle Paul] useth no argument here, but expoundeth the mystery of sanctification, which is imputed unto us: for because, that the virtue of the law was not such (and that by reason of the corruption of our nature) that it could make man pure and perfect: and for that it rather kindled the disease of sin, than did put it out and extinguish it, therefore God clothed his Son with flesh like unto our sinful flesh, wherein he utterly abolished our corruption, that being accounted thoroughly pure and without fault in him apprehended and laid hold on by faith, we might be found to have fully that singular perfection which the Law requireth, and therefore that there might be no condemnation in us.

For those of you who have come across this study for the first time, it is hoped that you have been touched by it. For the Word of God is true, and as is said in Scripture the truth will set you free. Free from sin, and free from the wages of sin which is death and eternal separation from God. Pray with me please

Heavenly Father, I have read Your word today, and have had my eyes and ears opened unto it. I confess my sins, and accept the sacrifice of Your Son Jesus Christ as my Savior. Come and dwell with me and guide me in your ways. Amen

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